Sunday, January 30, 2011

Method 413

ZST: Zombie Survival training.

Hello all and welcome to another edition of ZST! Today I’m going to share with you method 413 of surviving the Zombie Apocolypse!

Zombie survival method 413 is as follows, feel free to adapt as required.

Zombie survival tips…By ME!
1. Get all your smelly clothes together.
2. Find a big printer or any printer really.
3. Print hundreds of copies of yourself.
4. Stick them to walls, traps, doors, what ever.
5. Rub your smelly clothes over them to ‘bind’ your smell to it.
6. Watch with ammusement as Zombies struggle to comprehend what’s happening.
7. Live life in Zombie free paradise.
8. YAY!

And there you have it, another helpful tip from the ZST Hand book.

Written by, well…Me.
I like coming up with creative solutions at 5am.

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