Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mistaken Identity

I've just got home from the Adelaide show of the Mistake tour, Featuring Confession, Thy Art Is Murder, Wish For Wings and Lover's Grave.
I wasn't expecting much of a turnout tonight (I bought my ticket just under two weeks ago and got ticket number 57) but a small mass of people had already gathered stage side when Lover's Grave took to the stage.

Kicking things right off with an assault of sound, Lover's Grave went to work performing a solid set to an audience that didn't seem too thrilled, But by the time they were finished there were many a head banging and a small group of people shoving each other about in the pit. I've been to a few shows in Adelaide and rarely have i seen the crowd move at all for an opening act, So while Lover's Grave probably didn't quite get the welcome they were hoping for, They definately managed to earn themselves a few new fans tonight.

Next up was Wish For Wings and from the opening beats of the drums, You knew something was about to happen. The band tore into a great set that got most everyone present moving especially their new song (yet to be titled). Judging by the buzz of the crowd afterwards, I'd say that anyone who came to the show tonight having never heard of Wish For Wings, Was leaving a fan.

The buzz soon died down and the crowd tripled in size as Thy Art Is Murder began sound checking. Something of note is the amount of time they took getting the sounds and levels balanced just right... Clearly a band that cares about the way they sound. 30 minutes ahead of schedule, Thy Art Is Murder took to the stage and all hell broke loose. People jumping off speakers, Crowd Surfing and a pit that took up at least 50% of the floor space. The only problem here is that the pit left people spread too thin, So Thy Art Is Murder's frontman calling for people to jump off speakers and jump on people wasn't such a great idea, With many people becoming aquainted with the unforgiving concrete floor. The highlight here was probably the massive wall of death that spread halfway across the club.

Finally after another half hour of sound checking and getting their sound perfect, Confession took to the stage. By this time the crowd was at maximum capacity and the people in the front row (such as me) had to pretty much stand ON the stage. Confession tore into it with a mixed setlist containing songs from both their new album, Cancer, and older EP, Can't Live Can't Breathe. Not sure whether the club had realised their mistake or whether it was Crafter's request, But the stage now sported a security guard at each end. Either way the guards done less work than Crafter who managed to perform some impressive vocal work while catching people diving at both him and the microphone. After a few thanks, A round of applause for all the other bands, A couple of jokes and 45 minutes worth of music, Confession began to leave the stage, Bringing the night to an end... But not before being chanted back onto the stage for one more song (That's Not The Goose).

It's been a while since i've been to a show like this one. Between the excellent line-up of fan favourites and up and coming bands, The atmosphere created by the smaller venue and the great crowd interaction, I had a great night and commend all the bands for the effort they've put into their performances and a well done to Crafter for putting together such a great tour.

The Mistake Tour will be stopping at the following locations...
Sydney - 30th April
Blacktown - 1st may
Canberra - 2nd may
Byron Bay - 6th may
Kippa Ring - 7th may
Nambour - 8th May
And at about $20 a ticket, Idefinately recommend people check this out.

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