Wednesday, April 21, 2010

General Practitoner

No, I'm not sick. Being away from home means some difficulties in getting online regularly so i thought I'd throw up a quick post about some general gaming info you may or may not know about...

The volcano in Finland (If you don't know about that, Go turn on a TV) MAY cause delays in games shipments, However most companies are adamant that all next month's games WILL arrive in time for their release date.

New games will be hitting the LIVE Game Room next week (28th April). New old games will include Basketball, Super Breakout, Pitfall, Megamania, Night Stalker, Rack 'Em Up and Realsports Volleyball.

You can now deck your avatar out in Gears of War 3 threads, With Saints Row 2 stuff available some time tomorrow.

Xbox LIVE Deal Of The Week for the week commencing April 26th will be arcade game The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai for 400 points. I don't really know much about this game but apparently it's about an undead samurai dishwasher out for revenge against an evil cyborg army... So yeah. Week commencing May 3rd you can pick up Zombie Apocalypse for 400 points.

New DLC hits within the next week for Left 4 Dead 2, Bioshock 2 and Just Cause 2.

And finally, A couple of new games being added to the games on demand list... Notably Halo 3 (You'd be surprised how often this sells out at retailers) and sadly Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is being added to the North American marketplace only, But any aussies who haven't played this, Give it a shot. You can likely pick it up fairly cheap from your favourite gaming store.

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