Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Something Something Ninja

Tomonobu Itagaki can be outspoken at times but as the creator of Dead or Alive, the 3D Ninja Gaiden games and former head of Tecmo's Team Ninja you can't say he hasn't made any good games. In 2008 Itagaki left Team Ninja and Tecmo after working there for 16 years (filing a law suit claiming he hadn't been paid bonus's for previous works in the process, yep, he totally beat Infinity Ward to the punch). Since leaving Team Ninja Itagaki started his own company, with several other former Team Ninja workers, called Valhalla Game Studios. Haven't heard of them before? That's because they've been as silent as ninjas... until now. Tomonobu Itagaki has confirmed Valhalla Game Studios will be present at E3 to show the world what they've been working on. No idea exactly what it is or what platform it's aimed at but i'm going to go ahead and presume it includes ninjas and /or breasts.

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