Saturday, June 26, 2010

Random Question: Old vs. New

So i spent the night gaming with a couple of friends. We played a few matches on Halo 3, then switched over to Perfect Dark (the Arcade remake of the original). Something i noticed with the switch was that two things increased with the switch to Perfect Dark... Team Kills and Enjoyment. While i'm going to attribute the increase in team kills to my decision to include the Farsight in the custom weapons list, i did start wondering. Why is it that a game originally made for the Nintendo 64 can be as enjoyable, if not MORE enjoyable, than one of todays top multiplayer games. I've got a few theories, but i'd like to hear what other people have to say, so leave a comment on this post. Do you prefer old or new? Any reasons why? and most importantly, Why doesn't the Farsight identify friend or foe?

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