Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Exclusively Sony

The Sony press conference has now wrapped up and all in all i felt it was a bit underwhelming.

The show kicked off with Move and a few demo's but i felt it failed to really show anything innovative with it. One of the thing's that annoyed me most about the Sony show was that it felt like just that, a show. Too much time was spent taking cracks at competitors and trying to verbally establish themselves as the best. They claimed to be about the games, and while there was plenty of games on show, there wasn't a whole lot of each game. The show was jam packed with trailers, half of which had little to no gameplay footage.

Sony announced a new push for PSP, promising 70 new titles by December. Which was promptly followed by even more trailers.

The expected titles were on display with trailers and release dates dropped for Killzone 3, Gran Turismo 5 and Infamous 2, as well as some very unexpected games. In true show style, Gabe Newell is introduced by Glados to drop Portal 2 and Sweet Tooth pulls onto the stage in his ice cream truck to announce Twisted Metal.

Sony have also been working on their exclusivity, signing a partnership with Coca-Cola and revealing exclusive PS3 version of Medal of Honor (will include a HD remastered version of MoH: Frontlines), Dead Space 2 (will include a Move enabled version of Dead Space: Extraction), plus extra content for Mafia 2 and Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (including a multiplayer beta later this year) and a promise that the PS3 version of Portal 2 will be the best version on any console.

In closing, the conference had its ups and downs but ultimately felt a bit lacking. the first hour and a half felt like part 2 of the EA conference, which was promptly followed by a few surprise announcements and closed with the games everyone expected. There was plenty of games to show, but most only got a quick teaser in a show full of trailers. Sony pointed out much time and effort they put into their presentation to make it more than just a bunch of numbers, but i'd rather see a bunch of informative numbers than a few flashes of CG footage.

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