Friday, June 11, 2010

Dreamcast Revival

Sega's Dreamcast may have been short lived, but that doesn't mean it had bad games. There are a few games that popped up on the Dreamcast that i wish more people would have played, and now that just might happen. Sega are beginning a campaign to bring favourite Dreamcast titles back to life via digital downloads. Sadly by 'favourite' i mean, the games Sega thinks people loved, because at E3 they'll be showing the first two games to see release... Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi. Dreamcast re-releases won't just be direct ports however, each game will receive a graphics and sound upgrade, as well as online capabilities (mostly leaderboards) and achievements / trophies. I'm interested to see where they take this and hope that some lesser known games also see release. We'll find out soon enough though with Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi making their debut at E3 and a planned release for Sonic Adventure before the  year is through.

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