Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Predictions & Past Events

I haven't been online in a few days, so you may or (more likely) may not have noticed a sudden lack in news posts around here, so i'll just quickly catch you up on what i'm up to and whats happened in the gaming world...

I have spent the last few days catching up on some older games and not having internet :(. I've been playing Heavy Rain, Metro 2033 and Secret of Monkey Island. I'm hoping to pick up Blur tomorrow and give you my thoughts on that though, so there's something to look forward to.

In news, changes abound for Microsoft as J. Allard and Robbie Bach leave the company. Instrumental in the creation of both Xbox consoles and major players since the creation of Microsoft's Entertainment & Devices Division, Allard will reportedly be staying on but only in an advisory position to CEO Steve Ballmer. On the other hand, Bach will be retiring all together after 22 years with Microsoft.

Insomniac Games (the wonderful people behind Ratchet & Clank and Resistance) are joining forces with EA Partners, Which means that they'll be working on an all new product to be released on both the Xbox 360 & Playstation 3. A bit of a shock coming from a company who usually releases PS3 exclusives.

A demo has gone out for Green Day: Rock Band... Not overly exciting news itself (unless you're a major Green Day fan... like me). however once you've finished the demo you're greeted with a screen that seem to be advertising Rock Band 3... this screen includes a large number 3, the usual guitar, bass and drum logo's, as well as a microphone logo that shows 3 mic's and a keyboard / piano logo. Looks like we can look forward to the Rock Band franchise once again adding stuff that Guitar Hero is yet to try.

Legendary Pictures has picked up the rights to make a Mass Effect movie and are reportedly talking to Mark Protosevich (The Cell, I Am Legend) to act as screenwriter. Personally i see this ending badly, but as long as they cast Yvonne Strahovski as Miranda i'll still watch it.
Finally, the Halo: Reach beta has closed and some interesting stats have come in, as well as a thank you video and a release date... Over the 18 day beta, more than 2.7 million people joined in on the action, clocking up over 16 million hours and 1.1 billion kills. Looks like there are still plenty of Halo lovers out there then. You may remember that merely 9 days ago, i predicted a september release date for Reach... Guess what? Halo: Reach will officially be hitting shelves on September 14th, so if you haven't put in your pre-orders yet, get to it.

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