Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blue Sky Noise

A look at the latest album from Circa Survive.

Over the years the term "Alternative" has been given to any band that reviewers couldn't place somewhere else, However few bands actually deserve this label as much as Circa Survive does. The latest album, Blue Sky Noise, builds on a sound that is truly unique and original. The album is 12 songs full of mesmerising guitars, Constant drum rhythms and singer Anthony Green screeching through some fantastic lyrics in a way that only he can. Song's like Get Out and Fever Dreams are prime examples of the sound of Circa Survive and Blue Sky Noise, As an album, Will be a treat for fans and people looking for a different sound in their music, But isn't for everyone. Circa Survive have managed to put together an album that shows just how different music can be and, In this case, That's definitely not a bad thing.

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