Tuesday, March 22, 2011

University makes me smarter.

So here I am. Right this second as I type this, sitting in my Critical Reasoning class.
And I am learning how to argue fairly well. This is just an elective class. As some of you may know, I aim for nothing but to become a published author. However this class is fuckin' entertaining.
And it's fun to argue for a class. You raise a good question/point at the start of the class, you all go off on a tangent and avoid any real work. So hooray for that too.

But the highlight of this class, and maybe my year so far, is without a doubt my lectures horrible spelling/attention to detail.
While talking about credibility of an argument he wrote:

Cerdibilkity. As I have now taken to be the greatest word in the world and with a pronunciation much like this Cer-dib-ilk-ity

18 Minutes after what I just wrote: While writing the above I got a fair bit distracted from the lecture itself and missed a bit. So this next section of the post is a little late compared to the first however overall irrelevant to you reading it.
Right now we are talking about cork hats and the people who wear them. While that may sound weird, or your average Friday night, it does make sense in context.

I lost quite a bit of what was being said.
Oh well. So I just wanted to say, I'm still here, I've got more stuff for the 'Kive coming (POKEMON BLACK REVIEW WOOO!)

Thanks and I will see you all soon.

My name is Mikey and cerdibilkity.