Friday, March 18, 2011

Return of the Lawsuit

A full year after the whole shitstorm that is the Activision vs. West / Zampella lawsuit started, things seem to have now escalated to the maximum level as Activision have succeeded in having EA added to the $400 million lawsuit. EA are accused of having held secret meetings with Jason West and Vince Zampella back in August 2009 while they were still working for Infinity Ward and allegedly pursued confidential information from the ex-IW heads. The trial, which will now see Activision take on West, Zampella, 40 ex-Infinity Ward employees, and now EA, will commence in may. Personally i expect all parties involved will end up settling this whole affair an an undisclosed settlement to avoid bringing any more publicity upon themselves, but i'm sure we'll hear more in the next few months.

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