Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hands Held High

Raise your hand if you have an arcade or premium xbox360... Now raise your hand if, Like me, Storage has become a bit of an issue... Well there is good news and bad news. The good news is that with a system update later this year Microsoft are said to be adding compatibility for USB storage devices, Which means all your game data, Movies, Music, DLC and yes, Even games copied to the HDD can now be stored on an external device which likely has more memory than your 20gig HDD. The bad news, You just pointlessly raised your hand, Because i can't actually see you...


  1. And I read this because I thought it had something to do with Linkin Park.

    Shame on you.

    (but that's good news about the hard drives)

  2. Or you could get a limited edition Red Xbox 360 Elite like me and never worry again.

  3. yeah, but most people don't ave the option to just go out and buy a new console because they're short on memory... besides, i can get a hard drive twice as big the elite one for less than a quarter of the price
