Monday, March 8, 2010

The Cake Is A Lie...

Portal... if that one word doesn't send mental images of blue and orange flashes and a psychotic robot into your mind, then read no further but for everyone else, i ask you this, Would Portal be as good if it were a full retail release? More levels, More detail, More... Well, MORE. It seems we'll soon find out the answer to this question as details for Valve's Portal 2 start to surface. Valve are saying it will release in the holidays, but Gamestop have gone as far to list it as releasing on the 26th of October... look out for the first info and pics from Portal 2 in the April issue of Game Informer magazine

1 comment:

  1. OR...You could look for more information and pics here on our blog...You know...So we have a strong fanbase and such.
