Friday, December 31, 2010

The Year In Review

So as 2010 passes us by and 2011 knocks on our door, we leave him standing there while we muse over the events and general happenings of the last year. Click on through to find out what we had to say about the games, music, movies and general life events of 2010.

So without further ado, I bring you our responses to some hastily thrown together questions about the year that was...


What was the best game of 2010?

Mike: From a completely personal view, the best game of 2010 just has to be Halo Reach. Such a fantastic game with an exceedingly awesome multi-player and gripping story to anyone who knows the rest of it.

Steve: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. As a massive fan of the first 2, I was immensely pleased when Bhood met my expectations and beyond. It had the same mechanics with a few pleasant tweaks, a storyline that had me quite literally making :O faces, and a great buildup to what should be an amazing 4th addition to the series. Add on top of that a unique and fun multi player system, and you've got a win out of me.

Scoot: For me, the game of the year has to be Alan Wake. It had a good story, good gameplay but most importantly it was something a bit new and unlike the other games that flooded the market. The two extra DLC episodes were also well done and added more to the story while also changing up the gameplay a bit.
Assassins Creed: Brotherhood gets a special mention for making me want to perform violent actions against a developer after finishing the game.

What was the most overrated game of 2010?

Mike: Most overrated game of 2010....Hmmm. Cataclysm. Yeah it's awesome but from my limited understanding of the World of Warcraft universe, and my interaction and introduction to it it just seems like an awesome expansion to a massive universe. Nothing super special. Well not as much as hyped up.

Steve: I'm going to have to say Medal Of Honour. I may get blasted over this, but the game didn't grab me as well as it could have. The single player was blasé, and while the multiplayer was the perfect mix of intense and expansive, I wasn't hooked on it.

Scoot: First i have to say that i played this game and i liked this game, but i don't think it's worth even half of the hype it gets. With that said, my choice for most overrated game is easily Black Ops. Is it a good game? yes, but, i just don't think there's anything unique about it. You could just as easily go play one of the other hundred FPS's released this year and get an equally enjoyable time.

What was the most underrated game of 2010?

Mike: Most underrated game of 2010 is DEFINITELY Golden Sun: Dark Dawn...That game is such an amazing game! Sooo huge and engaging and a brilliant addition to the Golden Sun universe. And the only turn based game I really enjoy. It is just amazing and deserves more respect!

Steve: Super Meat Boy. That game had a dark humour, tough gameplay and even when you did the same level 400 times, it still wasn't repetitive. And being only an arcade game, it's cheap enough for everyone. If you haven't got a copy already, grab one, and be prepared for the punishment.

Scoot: One game that received a number of bad reviews, that i don't think it really deserved was Final Fantasy XIII. The main criticism it got when it first came out was that the intro was too long, then later people were complaining about the game being too linear and holding your hand the whole way through. As someone who is a fan of the older games, i still loved XIII and i know that regardless of how much your hand is held, some of the later battles are just beyond ridiculously hard. Also, the entire indie games industry... There are great games there and no-one plays them.


What was the best album of 2010?

Mike: Music for this year 'ey?! Well I'd have to say that my favourite album I got this year was mostly likely the 'Symphony for Old and Young Swingers' I got FOR FREE might I add, from a vinyl record store. It is pretty funky and keeps me entertained. It's not great music (good but not great) but it is an album I got this year so yay!

Steve: Seaborne by a new band, Apostate. They are a brand new gig from Prague, bringing an amazing sound. With obvious influences from bands such as August Burns Red and Texas In July, this album is just the beginning of great things for this band. Be sure to check it out.

Scoot: Pretty much every band i've ever listened to dropped an album this year. Sadly, more than a few of them were disappointing. There were still some major releases that were utterly amazing, but my personal favourite was Alesana's The Emptiness. For a band that's essentially screamo, they managed to put out an album that was not only good, it was well thought out and told one hell of a story.

What was the best band of 2010?

Mike: Best Band of 2010 for me is Cage the Elephant...Because that band is amazing, Borderlands introduced me to them and the song stuck in my head is 'Ain't no rest for the wicked'. Just an amazing song and band. Great music.

Steve: Parkway Drive. These guys must have had one of the most full years I've ever seen from a band. I saw them at 3 different gigs over the course of 2010, and they also had time to release a new album. If anyone, anywhere, anytime has ever said that these guys aren't hard working... well, there wouldn't be sufficient punishment.

(Scoot's Note: Also i believe there was an ARIA award in there somewhere)

Scoot: While Parkway Drive and The Amity Affliction made valiant efforts, i'm going with My Chemical Romance. The band managed to re-invent themselves yet again, seem to be performing well in the charts and created a new album that, while being equal parts pop and punk, wasn't completely shit.

What song is stuck in your head right now?

Mike: Ain't No Rest For The Wicked - Cage The Elephant (See Above)

Steve: Shiner - The Ghost Inside

Scoot: Mr. Pushover - Hey Monday... They may be like a poppier version of Paramore, but damn if their songs aren't catchy.


Best Movie?

Mike: It is out of three...I'll let voodoo decide. It is either Scott Pilgrim, Inception or Toy Story 3. I love those movies! Good ones from this year indeed!

Steve: I honestly didn't get around to watching new movies this year, but one that did really stand out for me was The Hurt Locker. The character development and suspense in that movie was truly mind blowing.

Scoot: My choice was a similar toss-up to Mike's, but after watching Inception more than once i kinda felt like it wasn't as great anymore. Still an awesome movie, but i'm calling Scott Pilgrim the best of 2010.

Worst Movie?

Mike: That would have to any of the Twilight movies made this year...Please people...Let it die.

Steve: The Expendables. I mean honestly, with a cast of Stallone, Statham, Li, Couture, Austin, Rourke, and cameos by Schwarzenegger and Willis, they would have to be able to do some right. Wrong. This movie was possibly the most atrocious excuse for an action movie that I have encountered recently. Poor special effects, poor storytelling, poor continuity and poor delivery of every single line of dialogue. /rant.

Scoot: I haven't actually seen it, but i'm choosing Paranormal Activity 2. I saw the first one and it was scary and all, but at the moment it finished i predicted it couldn't possibly be as effective a second time. Based on most critics reviews, they said the problem with PA2 was that it done the same thing as the first and failed to cover new ground.

Movie you've watched the most this year?

Mike: Well the movie that resonated most with me this year was either Event Horizon or The Princess Bride. Those movies are amazing and I've watched them a few times this year.

Steve: As I said before, I haven't watched an extravagant amount of movies. Instead, my focus would have to be on a multitude of TV shows - Chuck, White Collar, Firefly . . . things of the like.

Scoot: I think i've spent more time watching tv shows this year, but Scott Pilgrim has already been through my bluray player multiple times. Plus a bundle of music dvd's including Parkway Drive's The DVD, and Slipknot's (sic)Nesses have been on regular rotation.

What genre / type of movie would you like to see die?

Mike: Well for me I think it would be Vampire movies/TV shows...Not just because of Twilight but they have helped...Let it cool down for a bit people...The world exploded with vampires and it has just killed the original coolness of them. Original Vampires I mean.

Steve: Not particularly a genre or type, but I really think they need to let go of the Fast and the Furious series. I only just heard the other day that another one was on the way. Honestly, the first 2 may have been a good watch, but after that there has been nothing but pain.

Scoot: Horror movies that go for sheer gross outs over any form of story. The whole "torture porn" genre has been around for a while now but i want to differentiate by saying movies like Saw 3D managed to actually have character development and a good ending... Movies like Piranha 3D had less story than an actual porn.

2010 IN LIFE

What was your personal highlight of 2010?

Mike: Well personal highlight for 2010 was of course starting University! The experience so far has been simply phenomenal and I recommend to everyone to seek out such higher 'education' if they haven't already...And if you have...Go back and learn something new. Living on campus has been such a blast and I love it to deepest core of my party instinct.

Oh also...Getting my laptop and my plushies!
(Scoot's Note: Mike acquired multiple powerup/1up mushroom plushies throughout the year)
(Mike's subnote: They are my squishies...The mini ones as they are made of the same material as stress balls. So I have HUGE Plushies and Mini Squishies! Eww...)
(Scoot's Subsubnote: Spellcheck on the application for posting this message marks the word "Plushies" as a spelling error. I beg to differ.)

Steve: Actually finishing a large proportion of the games I own. Single player has never been a large part of my life.

Scoot: Starting my I.T. course and considering doing something remotely useful with my life.

What was your personal lowlight of 2010?

Mike: My personal lowlight...Hmm there are not many...I'm just amazing...*cough* Hmm I think it would have to be gaining a healthy portion of beer weight from all the aforementioned university pub crawls and general parties...

Steve: Finishing AC:B, and then having to scour the internet for a release date for the next one. Yep, not going to be out for a while.

Scoot: Being slack and not finishing my I.T. course by the end of the year... -.-

Explain your year in 10 words or less?

Mike: My year in 10 words or less, can I use 1/100th of a photo?....Here we go: Writing, reading, gaming, university, Cary Elwes, Movies, more sleeping, PLUSHIES!

Steve: Work dominated, with a fair amount of music and games.

Scoot: Gaming, sleep deprivation, spending too much time thinking of post titles


What is your New Years resolution?

Mike: Hmm like almost every woman I know and the ones I do not...Lose some weight. But most and more importantly I would like to write AT LEAST the first half of my book. Well of one of my many books.

Steve: Learn to play the guitar. I'm not expecting to be a Jeff Ling, but if by this time next year I can play a few songs, i'll be more then happy with myself.

Scoot: To finish what i start, to be slightly less anti-social and to do what i can to bring The Arkhive up a few levels in terms of standards. (Yes, those last two may SEEM like they contradict, but that's only coz you don't know about my mad multi-tasking skills.)

What is the game you're most anticipating?

Mike: My most anticipated game Elders Scrolls V, Skyrim....I CAN NOT WAIT! THE TRAILER IS SO BLOODY TANTALISING! I did not want to swear in this but it has come to it...I FUCKING LOVE THAT UNIVERSE.

Steve: For the story, Assassins Creed 3. For the game play however, I am getting more and more intrigued by Brink every time it is mentioned. Also, wouldn't mind seeing what they do with Gears 3, after the abomination that was Gears 2.

Scoot: Definitely looking forward to Skyrim, Zelda: Skyward Sword and The Old Republic, but my sources say there might be a new Assassin's Creed release coming in 2011, and that's something i would rather have had yesterday.

Predict an event that will happen in 2011...

Mike: Hmm well I want to say the sudden and uncontrollable explosion of The Arkhive into mainstream culture. But it's not that major so I suppose...FUCK YOU SCOOT I WAS JUST WRITING ABOUT MAJOR ONES!

(Scoot's Note: as Mike was typing this answer I decided to change the question. The original question was "Predict One Major Event That Is Yet To Happen")

Revised Answer: I predict that....Science will make a huge breakthrough in travel through space and here on earth, such as clean fuels or teleportation. We can only hope!

Steve: A football player gets in a sex scandal. But since that's already a certainty, i'll have to go with Cliffy B being a dick. Wait, that's also a certainty...

Scoot: Adelaide Crows win the premiership... but a more likely prediction, Modern Warfare 3 will be announced and go on to outsell Black Ops. Activision will continue to let us know just how much money they're milking from idiots.

Any final thoughts / comments / random musings for the year?

Steve: Not entirely sure. As I'm a person who likes to charge into things without a solid plan, I think that's what I'll do for 2011. Bring on anything it can throw at me, and have fun while at it.

Scoot: Stay in school and learn proper english... Not only do you look smarter than everyone else, but when the movie and games industries finally get sick of shitty movies / games with no real story, you'll be able to make a career out of being able to write.

(Scoot's Note: I left Mike till last on this one because I predicted there would be several pages of text he'd want to get out)
(Mike's Subnote: Damn straight there was stuff I wanted to write...I would have written more if it wasn't for you meddling admins!)
(Scoot's Subsubnote: I finally got around to promoting both Mike and Steve to full admin status so they could write this post, so i choose to believe by "meddling admins" he's actually talking to himself. Also congrats on the promotion)

Mike: My thoughts on 2010? I've observed a few things over this year and had many things to say about them and not much time to sit and say them. So here I am now, taking time out of my busy schedule of you know doing nothing, to write it out.
  • Over the last year I have noticed that you CAN NOT judge books by their cover. There could be something naughty on the inside.
  • The same can be said of people. Some of the people I have met at university just look like the worst type of people or seem to party all day long and such...However getting to know them THEY ARE FUCKIN' GENIUSES...Not all of them but some of my friends I have found to be ridiculously smart and talented even without looking like it. So don't be so quick to judge I suppose.
  • The weather in the world just can't make up it's mind.
  • Big corporations really do suck some times...On the other hand they do help run the world so can't fault 'em too much.
  • I love blogging. And I really want to get into vlogging. I just wish to get popular doing so.
  • I like the idea of earning money for doing what I love and I hope to do so.
  • One of my best friends is someone I met, interact, and converse with online.
  • Writing is me. Just me.
  • I can not comprehend the thoughts of badgers.
  • Sharp things are usually sharp for a reason. Don't lick them.
  • Duct Tape will get you by in life...Guard it well.
  • Plushies are possibly the best things ever and finally...
  • Life is good. Bring on 2011.

To all those who are still reading this, a big thank you from all us at The Arkhive and we hope you return in the new year. Feel free to drop a comment below if you want to tell us about your thoughts on 2010, or just want to criticise one of our selections...(From Mike): Not that they are bad.
Love us.


  1. Happy New Year all!

  2. Ah if only Steve and Scoot were as talkative as me...Sigh. Happy new year, lots of love and hope to see you all and more in the coming months!

  3. Happy New Year Anonymous (who i have a suspicion might be a certain overly drunk admin) and no-one is as talkative as you Mike, that's why you're a writer

  4. Where's the link button?! I wanted to like that last comment. I got quite ever so obliterated last night.

  5. No, i removed the like buttons some time ago, however if you actually meant link, there's a bar at the bottom that lets you share the article with multiple other sites. I presumed the anonymous poster was Steve, however he disagrees. His argument is that he doesn't remember posting it, or much else, and that he doubts his ability to spell Happy New Year correctly while drunk. So apologies to you anon, and a happy new year to you too!

  6. I meant Like...But my bad...I was smashed last night, sorry. It was a good new years though...
