Saturday, December 11, 2010

I've come to notice a new world...

Hey all very long time no see. I could feather this up with excuses because I'm living at my cousins at the moment with limited internet usage or university work until now etc or even a real job...(A GAMER WORKING?!) But the truth is...I just get hit with writers block all the time. Scoot knows this so I'm sure he's been silently cheering for me. I am just lazy as well.

But in my time away from writing gaming articles or just plain gaming I've come to notice the outside world.
It scares me.
There are lots of people out there...And some of them do not...I repeat DO NOT, game.
I don't like them. Make them go away.

So yeah in my time off I've played a few games and read more books. I just recently as in so very just the other day recently, bought myself a new DS game. The first on the DS, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn. I could not be more pleased. The Golden Sun series (when I first played it on Gameboy advanced way back when) is I think one of the only Turn Based games I've ever liked. Even a little.
Suffice it to say, I am so far loving this game. To those that know the first two games, Dark Dawn (DD) is like the second generation saga. It's all about the Heroes of yonder kids; how they have to set out on a new quest to save the world since the Golden Sun Event 30 years ago.
It is awesome so far and I highly recommend you pick it up or at least give it a go. The most awesome thing I've found so far is all the endearing sound effects are back from the first game which is just plain awesome and makes me reminisce a little. The graphics remind me highly of Zelda Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks and the story is engaging through and through.
If you like the idea of world exploring, puzzel solving, leveling, and using Psynergy (Basically psychic energy with disciplines in Earth, Fire, Wind and Water all about that Alchemy baby) then I think you should give it a go. (It doesn't ring true for me but I suppose it is similar to some Final Fantasy games on DS so if you like them give it a go. But I hate FF so yeah...)

Regardless I thought I'd post because well I can seem to write at the current moment.
Lots of love, your really bored writer,

P.S. I'll hopefully be posting soon about some books I'm getting into because I think I could bring that to this blog while Scoot gets all heavy on the gaming! I do mostly reviews any how...

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