Sunday, July 11, 2010

/Rant - The Difference Between Trash Talk And Just Being A...

You may or may not have noticed there wasn't a rant last week. I got distracted and by the time i realised i'd forgotten it was already Monday and i figured the ranting could take a week off. Now it's back, and this time there won't be any positive or negative facts, just my opinions and be prepared for colourful language as i take on the difference between trash talk and just being a dick...

Online gaming is a very competitive environment and so it's only natural that people get worked up over games. This often leads to verbal insults and name calling. Trash talk is practically a tradition in any form of competition, but online gaming is probably the worst for it because you can't see the other player, the only form of contact you have with them (other than the game itself) is through voice communication. I don't have a problem with trash talk in general, after all when your team beats the opposing team 50-15, or you manage to assassinate the entire opposing team without even getting hit, you've earned the right to be cocky. However there is a difference between talking yourself up and randomly calling another player a 'gay ass faggot' and telling him to 'go suck your dads cock'. Apart from being incredibly redundant it's not trash talking at all, it's just acting like a dick. Throwing random insults at other players for no reason other than they're in the same game as you doesn't help you or your team at all and is completely pointless. The other thing that annoys me, is when people feel they absolutely must talk trash, even when a game has just finished and it ended 50-49... whether you won or lost, there's not really much need to run your mouth at the other team. Basically i'd like to see a few more 'good games' and a lot less people screaming 'faggot' or 'gay'. Not only does it make you seem like a dick, but it makes you seem like an unoriginal one at that.

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