Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Dragon Effect

Some new details have surfaced about Dragon Age 2 and it looks like the game will become more similar to Mass Effect, although Bioware have pointed out that it will still be like the original and not just be a fantasy version of Mass Effect. I won't go into too much depth but the basic points are that the background system is now gone and will instead be replaced by a single main character with a single story (although you will still be able to customize the character), as such the main character will now speak and conversations will use a system similar to Mass Effect's wheel system. The team who wrote the first Dragon Age ARE writing the sequel, and it has been hinted that choices made in the first game will have effects in the second. On that note, there will still be no morality bar, with the emphasis being on making the morally difficult choices as they come. If you'd like to know more you can check out the facts that have been compiled by the people over at

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