Monday, July 5, 2010

Kane & Lynch Gone To The Dogs?

So i finally got around to playing the Kane & Lynch 2 exclusive demo and was quite surprised by it... but not in a good way. I was a fan of the original. I liked the story, i liked the gameplay and i liked the multiplayer. Based on the demo though (and yes i know, demo's are not fully representative of the end product) Kane & Lynch 2 is far from being level with it's predecessor. The game had a look to it that made it look like you were watching an old video tape or something. The image was grainy, the camera unsteady and lighting had this effect that made it blur vertically across half the screen. It just really didn't look nice. Gameplay didn't feel much better. The controls are pretty much what you'd expect from a third person action shooter, but for some reason they just felt awkward in this. Cover could hardly keep you protected as any enemy not directly behind the cover could still shoot you and the dialogue didn't seem at all intelligent, but instead just random sentences thrown together in an attempt to drop as many f-bombs as possible. Finally, and i'm sure this IS exclusive to the demo and won't be in the full game, but after shooting some enemies (particularly headshots) i found that their head would become pixelated as a way to censor the violence out.

The demo alone ensures that i won't be buying Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days on launch and will instead hire it out. Makes me wonder if the demo wasn't provided to everyone for a reason.

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