Friday, April 30, 2010

Black Out

Activision manage to keep their stranglehold on the headlines of the gaming world with the reveal of Call of Duty: Black Ops. While the new CoD game was supposed to be revealed on an episode of GTTV, The CoD website kinda ruined the big event by putting up a page for the game early revealing the title and a release date of 9th Nov. Meanwhile, The UK website for GAME also put up a listing for it with some details and a price (looks to be about the same price as MW2). The GAME listing revealed Black Ops would take you to Cuba, The Arctic and Vietnam.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bouncing Back

And to prove my previous post wrong, Activision clearly have no intentions of slowing down. Today it was announced that Activision and Bungie have entered into an exclusive 10 year partnership to bring you the new game / series Bungie is working on. No info on the actual series yet other than the fact it will be available on multiple platforms and 'devices'... Likely meaning iPod / iPad, etc.

Suiting Up

Big news in the whole Infinity Ward events of recent. Yesterday a group of 38 former and current employees of Infinity Ward (including virtually all of the people who have resigned in the past few weeks) have filed a lawsuit against Activision. The "IWEG" (Infinity Ward Employees Group) is seeking over $54 million in royalties owed plus $75-$500 million dollars in punitive damages (based on the net sales of MW2 and Activision's net worth). IWEG's claim here is that Activision intentionally withheld bonus's in an attempt to force IW employees to continue a job they didn't want so Activision could force them to complete and deliver Modern Warfare 3. Activisions defense is that the amount and schedule of bonus payments is at their discretion. All this is also separate to a lawsuit Activision is currently dealing with against former IW heads, who are suing for royalties they should have been paid weeks before being fired from the company on claims of insubordination. Regardless of who ends up being the winner here, This can't be good news for Activision with such bad publicity surely being taken into consideration by any potential new employees and the chance that the studio may have to be closed down while the mess gets sorted out.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Infinity Running Out

I have already made several posts about the numerous people who have resigned from their positions at Infinity Ward, So I'll make this a quick one. The list of former employees now includes Programmers, Lead Programmers, Designers, Senior Designers, Artists, Lead Character Artist and the HR & Recruiting head, Bringing the total number up to 26. Two people (Senior Artist Ryan Lastimosa and designer Jason McCord) have been confirmed as newly hired to Respawn Entertainment. I believe IW originally had a team of about 150 people, So while this may not be the end of the studio, I have to believe it will have a significant effect on future projects.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

New Music #1.

So lately I have been listening to a band called We Came As Romans. They are a post-hardcore (even though I try not to put bands into genres myself) band hailing from Michigan. Formed in 2006, they released 2 EP's before throwing down the album "To Plant A Seed".

I know some people might be uninterested, but I thought I would just throw them out there to anyone who needs new music to listen to. Although, if you do like them, and intend to buy an album, good luck finding it in-store. I am having to order my copy of "To Plant A Seed" online at the moment as absolutely no shops I have talked to stock it.

If you don't feel like browsing their Myspace (linked above), I have links to a couple of my favourite songs of their debut album linked below. Leave a comment and tell me what you think.

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Merch Appreciated

I've always been a big fan of band merchandise, however, obtaining it has usually been an effort. Today I decided to check out how Australia is doing in the online merchandise stakes.

Bonding Sessions

So last week HMV's website accidentally created a listing for a game titled James Bond: Bloodstone. Clearly not a movie tie-in (what with the movie being put on indefinate hold and all) it is believed this will be the Bond racer that Activision have previously spoken about. Not looking forward to the idea of a racing game? Thats fine because it was revealed that Activision have bought out a new domain name... ... Now before you get excited, Don't expect this to be a remake/rerelease of the original Goldeneye. It's far more likely this will be an entirely new game, But it's definately something i'll be keeping an eye on. No pun intended.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Mistaken Identity

I've just got home from the Adelaide show of the Mistake tour, Featuring Confession, Thy Art Is Murder, Wish For Wings and Lover's Grave.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Parkway Print

To anyone who is a Parkway Drive fan, a hardcore music listener or even just a limited edition collector, check this item out.

A limited edition print of Parkway Drive vocalist Winston Mccall.

Now I know this item might not be for everyone (considering the $100 price tag), but I thought I would make anyone who might be interested aware of it.

In related news, Parkway Drive have finished recording their newest album. If you want to check out the latest studio update from their guitarist Luke Kilpatrick look here. Sounds good, and I am definitely looking forward to it.


[UPDATE] - Parkway Drive has released a video about the recording of the album. Looks intense; also note the amazing Ben Gordon at 3:15. Mmmmmmm.

Everyone Loves A Freebie

May 1st is Free Comic Book Day. What this means is that by stopping by your local comic shop you can pick up a special comic or two... Absolutely free. Not all shops are participating and the freebies are set to specific comics, But free is free. For West Aussies I'd recommend stopping by Cosmic Comics in Rockingham or Quality Comics on Hay Street in the city. South Aussies should check out Dynamic Duo Comics (AKA Adelaide Comic Arcade) in Rundle Mall. For more info including participating stores and available comics, Check out the official FCBD website by clicking the cool little picture above.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Being Followed

New images of Microsoft's upcoming Xbox gadget, Project Natal, Have been leaked. What's the big deal, We've all seen it already, You ask? The pics show Natal beside its manual and other bits and pieces and the anonymous source who leaked the pics says the manual includes a warning, Apparently it's recommended you don't 'forcibly tilt' the camera or else risk damaging the 'tilt motor'. Yep, Seems like the camera will be capable of moving itself, Thus following you should you move about too much. Creepy Microsoft camera watching me move about my lounge room? Cue nightmares.

General Practitoner

No, I'm not sick. Being away from home means some difficulties in getting online regularly so i thought I'd throw up a quick post about some general gaming info you may or may not know about...

The volcano in Finland (If you don't know about that, Go turn on a TV) MAY cause delays in games shipments, However most companies are adamant that all next month's games WILL arrive in time for their release date.

New games will be hitting the LIVE Game Room next week (28th April). New old games will include Basketball, Super Breakout, Pitfall, Megamania, Night Stalker, Rack 'Em Up and Realsports Volleyball.

You can now deck your avatar out in Gears of War 3 threads, With Saints Row 2 stuff available some time tomorrow.

Xbox LIVE Deal Of The Week for the week commencing April 26th will be arcade game The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai for 400 points. I don't really know much about this game but apparently it's about an undead samurai dishwasher out for revenge against an evil cyborg army... So yeah. Week commencing May 3rd you can pick up Zombie Apocalypse for 400 points.

New DLC hits within the next week for Left 4 Dead 2, Bioshock 2 and Just Cause 2.

And finally, A couple of new games being added to the games on demand list... Notably Halo 3 (You'd be surprised how often this sells out at retailers) and sadly Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is being added to the North American marketplace only, But any aussies who haven't played this, Give it a shot. You can likely pick it up fairly cheap from your favourite gaming store.

Cuneiform, boredom and Pokemon

So I just finished the first part of my archaeology assignment which was the replicate an artefact from some time ago. Users choice really. I chose the Sumerian cuneiform (the oldest form of writing know to man kind! Hooray!)
Any how, so I made it however I didn't really know what to write on it...So I just started throwing in some symbols at will. It ended up saying:

Water day, Barley bird, Bread walking head, star. They are all individual words but that's just the most fun sentence I can seem to make it.

Also completely bored. So I've reverted to playing Pokemon more often. It's fun and I totally want to set up a time to play on wi-fi.

Well that's about it from me.
Thanks for having me, I've had a wonderful time.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bound For the Asylum

The wonder that is Twitter allows people to post news at the drop of a hat... Even if people haven't run this news by the relevant people first... Ooops... Voice Actors have begun recording parts for Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 and some people may have been a little too excited. Stana Katic (who you might have seen in tv show Castle) tweeted about her role in the upcoming game as Talia Al Ghul, Daughter of Ra's Al Ghul. Also, Maurice LaMarche (who is the sound behind a few characters from Futurama) tweeted about his new role as Mr. Freeze. Neither Talia Al Ghul or Mr. Freeze had been confirmed for the game but now it's all but certain they'll be in it to some extent.

Bulletstorm - I couldn't think of a cooler title.

So Bulletstorm.
If you haven't heard of it, check it out in the latest Gameinformer mag.
A game that looks pretty interesting and as the Gameinformer mag said: "When you've impressed game giant Epic Games enough that they buy you're company outright, you're on the right track." (Well it said something to that effect.)

Created by Polish company People Can Fly (The minds that brought you the game Painkiller - quite good), and Epic Games (The brilliant lads behind the Gears of War series and Unreal games). The game is a nice blend of sci-fi, shooter and awesomeness.
I don't know all the details just yet because well I haven't fully read the article but the pictures look damn pretty, what I've read has interested me and well it just looks compelling. It has a cool new combat system "the leash, kick and slide" is what they call it. A nice sort of laser-esq whip that they desribe like a swiss army knife of the future.

Head over to the website: and or get the latest Gameinformer magazine.
All the pictures look very Gears of Wary and it's very nice to see.

Thanks for having me, I've had a wonderful time.

Brand Protection

Something I've been noticing and want to throw open to discussion... Does the franchise a game belongs to affect the way we treat it. Many games get portrayed as near perfect by fans and the press and in some cases, This isn't true, But we overlook the flaws or the press won't speak of them because the game belongs to a well known franchise. I feel Halo 3 and Splinter Cell: Conviction are examples here. I'm not saying these are bad, Or even good games, Merely that their title seems to provide them protection from criticism. So my question to you... Do you believe this to be true? And do you believe this should be the case? Please, Regardless of your opinion, Leave a comment letting me know what you think.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Where oh where is shadow?

As some may have noticed, I haven't posted in a while. Really it hasn't been that long, Scoot just posts often in a shorter time span so it seems I've abandonded the blog.


I have been staying at my home town over the last few days and as such have been unable to get to my regular internet access and such. But I have a small pocket of digital joy here so I thought I'd spend it updating you lot.

First of all, coming from a relatively small country town and moving into a big city (big country town) like Adelaide has made me realise that coming home is generally boring if you leave your 360, computer, dvds and most books back at campus.
Second every one I know/hang out with has all moved to Adelaide or Melbourne etc for university and decided not to come home for the holiday break and as such there is no one to hang out with.
Thirdly, well there isn't really a third the first two cover all bases or boredom.

That's it for now, but to let you know I will be posting in a few days (if I'm lucky later tonight) about a few classic games that shouldn't go unplayed and also about some games that don't get their dues.

Thanks for having me, I've had a wonderful time.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Not So Infinite

Everyone knows about the firing of Jason West and Vince Zampella, And a while back i reported about two more employees leaving Infinity Ward. Well, That hasn't been the end of it. Yesterday saw three more IW employees walk... Bruce Ferriz (Senior Animator), Jon Shiring (Programmer) and Mackey McCandlish (Lead Designer). Unfortunately for IW, THAT wasn't the end either, with another FOUR workers quitting today. Steve Fukada, Zied Reike, Rayme Vinson (Programmer) and Chris Cherubini (Lead Artist) have all decided to find new homes. Ferriz is said to be joining Big Button Entertainment, But the future of the others is still unknown. I can't help but wonder how many will seek employment at new EA studio, Respawn Entertainment.

Conspiracy Theory

First look at Prison Break: The Conspiracy. Available now on Xbox 360, PS3 & PC for about $69.95

Being a fan of the TV series i had to check this out, Even though i expected it would be a bit of a disappointment. I've only been playing it for about an hour or two, But i have to say, So far it's been really good. For those who don't know, Prison Break: the Conspiracy takes place in Fox River State Penitentiary during the events of the first season of the tv show. However you play as a Company agent sent in to find out why Michael Scofield got himself incarcerated. The game allows you to interact with all of the main characters from the show and even witness key events, but doesn't really change or cause any conflicts with the tv show. Each character is easily recognisable and most were voiced by the original actors, Plus background music seems to be taken directly from the shows soundtrack, So the game feels really authentic. Gameplay is 3rd person and mainly seems to be wandering about the prison interacting with people, And navigating stealth sections while avoiding guards. Overall, So far, So good... But i will post a full in-depth review... Wednesday... ish. Finally, Here are a few screenshots to show what the game looks like...

A Little Bird Told Me

In just a few days i will be heading out of state for a couple weeks and don't know exactly how much access i'll have to the internet, So to allow me to keep people updated both on my personal Facebook and here on The Arkhive, I have restarted my twitter account and will be adding a small gadget in the right column (just over >>>>) so that i can drop quick little updates on what's happening and what I've been hearing. This is only a test and will probably be gone by mid-May, But i thought I'd point it out for all.

Substance Abuse

In an interview with, Jon Hicks (Official Xbox Magazine Editor) reveals that next month's mag will have a surprise. The announcement of a gaming classic returning exclusively on Xbox 360. According to Hicks, "It's a very substantial franchise and is going to be a big surprise". Naturally the xbox community is already speculating as to what it could be, With claims ranging from the hilarious (Jazz Jackrabbit, or Duke Nukem Forever) to the intriguing (Timesplitters 4, Shenmue 3 or Battlefront 3). My money is on an old Rare franchise though, so... Killer Instinct, perhaps? Whichever way this goes, We'll find out as soon as the new issue of OXM hits the shelves.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Ashes 2 Ashes

Everyone's favourite Epic Games employee, Cliffy B, Finally got around to getting on the Late Show last night to reveal... Wait for it... *gasps* GEARS OF WAR 3. Yeah, So maybe it's the video gaming world's worst kept secret, But at least he brought the first official trailer with him...

So yeah, It is now official, Chalk up April 2011 on your gaming calendars for the exciting conclusion to the Gears saga. And well done to Goose for beating me to the punch on this one :P (Goose's blog here)

[UPDATE] Had the wrong video there before (NBC fails at embed code) but now the proper video is there.

Maw Bad News

I apologise to anyone who read my post last week about the deal of the week and was hoping to pick up arcade game The Maw today... Unfortunately it is NOW being listed as Japan only. So Aussies will just be seeing the cut price expansion Crash Course for Left 4 Dead.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Respawning In 3... 2... 1... BEEP!

EA have announced the opening of a new studio. Respawn Entertainment will be opening for business soon, being helmed by Jason West and Vince Zampella (the duo currently taking Activision to court over unpaid royalties after their rather public dismissal from Infinity Ward). Currently they are pulling together a new team to work with them, But already the studio is building a fan-base over the belief that these two will bring about more games of the Modern Warfare 2 calibre. My only thought here is that Modern Warfare 2 was more than the work of JUST these two. There was a whole team of people working and it seems ridiculous to believe that the games entire success is due to the work of these two. Regardless, I'm sure Respawn Entertainment will push to have a product available ASAP, So we'll find out what their new team is capable of then.

[UPDATE] Sidenote: Activision have claimed the lawsuit with West and Zampella is "delaying pre-production of Modern Warfare 3"... that'll tend to happen when you're being sued for control of the brand.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Green With Envy

We've still got a couple of months till Rock Band: Green Day hits shelves, But thanks to Entertainment Weekly's Music Mix Blog we now have an entire list of songs and venues... Click read more to see the full list.

Friday, April 9, 2010

[Insert Witty Gears Pun Here]

So it seems you can take my previous post with a little less salt... Due to what i presume to be a scheduling error on Microsofts behalf, American gamers have signed onto LIVE to be greeted by a tile in the spotlight area reading "Gears of War 3 Announced: The Epic Story Concludes April 2011". So there you have it, Gears 3 will be hitting shelves this time next year and you will likely be seeing the first official info about the game within the next few days. I'll keep you updated when i know more (and I'll try to think of more bad gear related puns for titles).

Gearing Up

EDGE Online has reported the first details for what we all know had to be coming anyway... Gears of War 3. The details apparently come from a "trusted publishing source", But i'm choosing to take them with a grain of salt. We'll see if this reveal on the Late Show happens or not. For anyone interested in checking the info out, you can find it here.


The Arkhive seems to be having some technical difficulties at the moment. Any comments posted are not showing up, But myself and Mike will still be able to read them... we will try to have this fixed ASAP.

UPDATE: Balance has been restored and the world is now able to see your valuable opinions... so... well... comment away

Beta's Ahoy!

As well as the Blur beta (read the post below this one) Multiplayer Design Leads of Halo: Reach (Chris Carney & Lars Bakken) have dropped a heap of info on the coming Reach beta during an interview with IGN (found here). So in short, The beta will include 4 maps (Swordbase, Powerhouse, Overlook and Boneyard) each has been chosen to test a specific style of gameplay / team size. Also "many new weapons will be featured" and look for the return of fall damage (take THAT jetpack users).

Blurring The Lines

The public beta for Blur is now open and i have to say, Racing fan or not, If you have LIVE and a decent net connection you NEED to check this out...

Coming from Bizarre Creations (the team who brought you the Project Gotham Racing games) Blur plays like an insane cross between the original Need for Speed: Underground and Mario Kart. The game features realistic locales and licenced cars that look superb, but then throws in a good helping of vehicular combat just to keep you on your toes. The look of the game is impressive, With locations looking dark, Gritty and exceptionally real, But then having weapon pickups and even weapons themselves appearing in bright neon colours making them feel almost like holographic projections upon the track. The combat is great, With about a dozen weapons that while strong enough to affect the outcome of a race, Don't disturb the racing at all. This isn't like Mario Kart, Where getting hit by a shell brings you to a dead halt, Instead a missile in Blur will launch your car into the air briefly, Slow your speed just enough to disadvantage you, But let you keep moving (with that subtle thought of hope in you mind that maybe, Just MAYBE, You wont lose your place). The beta IS for online multiplayer only, But the online runs really well, With lag never really being a problem, Not many disconnection issues and with about 10,000 people on when i was, Finding a race was never too hard. Races can range in size anywhere from 2 to 20 players and the more people in a race, The more chaotic and fun it becomes. Winning races and performing various other tasks earn you 'fans' which allow you to level up and gain access to more powerful cars and playlists. Fans can be earned in a large amount of ways... Anything from winning a race to hitting enough enemies with a set weapon, So even if you aren't the best racer, You'll still find yourself levelling up. Possibly my ONLY complaint here is that your level isn't taken into account during matchmaking, So a level 1 could easily be thrown into a race with expert players on their first race.

So yeah, I recommend EVERYONE check this out while it's still available... One thing i know, When this game sees it's retail launch, All the other racing franchises better watch their rear-view mirrors, Coz Blur will give them a run for their money.

Fabled Romance

According to the latest issue of the UK's Official Xbox Magazine, Fable 3 will bring co-op to a new low (unless you game with hot chicks). Apparently Fable 3 will allow you to share 'intimate moments' with your co-op buddy and eventually, you can even have kids together... Creepy or cool?... Comment below.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Scootin' About

Scoot here. Just wanted to give everyone a bit of a heads up as to what I've been up to and what you can expect to hear from me soon.

So i downloaded Fahrenheit from the LIVE marketplace yesterday, And while I've already played the game when it first came out, This has given me some interesting thoughts about the whole original xbox title emulation deal on the 360.

With the amount of games that i play and the short amount of time i play each for, I decided to give an online game rental site a try, So once I've got some info on how well this system does / doesn't work I'll let you know, In case anyone else is interested in this.

I'm heading out of state in a couple weeks (visiting family in Adelaide) but i will still have my xbox and internet connection, So don't think you'll be getting a rest from me :P

Finally, I've just downloaded the Blur multiplayer beta, so anyone else who's gonna give this a try, Add me on LIVE or let me know what your thoughts are about it... Expect some info / a review up tomorrow-ish.

P.S. According to spellcheck, Internet is not spelled right... WTF?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Mawesome Specials

Don't like xbox LIVEs deal of the week for this week? Have no fear, Because next week has not one but two deals... Starting from the 12th you can pick up the Crash Course campaign for Left 4 Dead at the low price of just 320 MS points, Also arcade game The Maw (which i reviewed two weeks ago) will be a steal at 400 MS Points (half price). If neither of those is up your alley you can wait till the following week (starting the 19th) when Borderlands expansion The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned goes on sale for 400 points (also half price).

Infinity Minus Four

Most people have already heard about the rather public dismissal of Infinity Ward studio founders Vince Zampella and Jason West, but today it seems like two more major players have jumped ship from the IW team. Lead Designer - Todd Alderson and Lead Software Engineer - Francesco Gigliotti have reportedly thrown in the towel, taking with them over 8 years experience on the Call of Duty brand, EACH...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Mikey Inflection - Part II

Keyboard Warriors unite!
Ahh the 'keyboard warrior' that most humble, rightious, gracious, caring, protecting individual who guards our internet from the tyrany of trolls, the oppression of conformists...

Whoa...Wait a minute...This doesn't feel right...

You ever come accross those wanker-ish, cock headed, moronic, stubborn, unwavering in their belief/idea/point/opinion people on the internet? You know those guys who say: "BAH THAT GAME HAS NO REAL STORY AND THE GRAPHICS ARE SHIT! LETS GO HAVE SEX WITH FINAL FANTASY! IT'S THE BEST THING EVER. (That last part was just what I like to imagine them saying because I really, really dislike the FF series.)
But honestly..Those guys who refuse to see reason or accept the POSSIBILITY of someone elses opinion/view. Keyboard Warriors...Great title for a shit person.
I've met a few of these gallant soldiers off of their chosen battlefield. And let me tell you, for the most part these people are quite, shy, unconfronting, socially awkward people who really, really need to see a psychologist. They are worryingly silent...But behind that desk, a few key strokes and these people are the be all and end all of the internet. Fear them for their word is above that of the gods. Do not question their might or suffer their unyeilding rage and spamming.

Just thought I'd say that. Throw it out there because forums become really un-entertaing when a nest of these fuckers crops up.

Thanks for having me, I've had a wonderful time.

Stimulus Package

If you bought Modern Warfare 2's stimulus map pack on the day of it's release, Then by now you should have already received a message from Microsoft. If not, then let me fill you in on the details. Microsoft sent out messages thanking 1st day buyers of the map pack for their loyalty to Microsoft and Modern Warfare and have given all those people an extra week of xbox LIVE Gold membership. Is this Microsoft's way of apologising about the price? Or perhaps about the failed launch the pack got? Come on, It's Microsoft, They'd never admit to being wrong, they'll just give you crap you didn't need for free, Until people stop leaving bad comments and turning new buyers away from the pack.

The Mikey Inflection.

I'm bored. I'm tired. I'm awesome. I'm modest.

University life has started taking its toll. Not on my mental capicty, not even on my financial capicty (like I had one?). But just generally on me. I feel no motivation to do much of anything. Social, school, me or even Pirate/Ninja related - My gods, I've become a monster.

Have you ever noticed that while others around you seem to be having a good time, cheery, talking to their friends and such, you can see the dissapointment, the fear, the anger, the hate in their eyes when you say something as casual as "How was your Easter holiday?"

Me either, I just wanted to write something and that's what happened.
Going on 36 hours without sleep. Feels right.

So I simply say, cheerio lads, enjoy the show.
I've had a lovely time, thanks for having me.

Reachin Out

Just thought I'd write up a quick post letting everyone know what's been happening on the Reach front. So Bungie have made two major announcements, The first being about a new armour lock ability, And the second being about changes to elites within multiplayer.

The new armour lock ability will allow you to lock your suit with the touch of a button, preventing all forms of movement, including aiming, but making you invulnerable to all attacks, including needler spikes and stuck plasma grenades. There will also be some form of EMP attack available while locked that will allow you to knock back any enemies nearby and disable any vehicles within range. The EMP will increase in strength with 3 different levels based upon how long you were locked up for.

In multiplayer, Elites have been given a serious boost and are now larger (obviously), faster and more powerful than Spartans, have a evade ability that will allow them to roll out the way of incoming attacks and they feature faster recharging shields plus a fully recharging health bar (in comparison to spartans, who recharge in sections)... before you start whinging about the Elite's being too overpowered though (and yes, you were going to, coz i know exactly how many people actually used elites until now) I'm sure bungie has some spartan exclusive abilities up their sleeve that we'll find out about soon...

The Halo: Reach multiplayer beta will go live on May 3rd, so dig up those copies of ODST that you haven't played since the week it came out and get ready to join the action next month.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Walking On Sunshine

Although i downloaded it when it first became available, I have only just got around to playing the Firewalker DLC for Mass Effect 2. The Firewalker DLC consists of 5 new missions revolving around the Hammerhead, A floating armoured tank that is basically the spiritual successor to the Mako from Mass Effect 1. The missions themselves are straightforward and simple, Each covering a different style of gameplay. The Hammerhead is a vast improvement upon the Mako, With quicker movements and better mobility, However the weapons can be a bit strange at first due to an odd targeting system. There is a simple story stringing the missions together, Which makes a few references back to Mass Effect 1. It doesn't go into too much detail in order to keep the missions short, but provides enough that it doesn't just feel like an extra set of random missions. Overall, The pack is a short and sweet addition that i would happily pay some money for, But luckily it is free over the Cerberus Network.

The Company We Keep

A look at Battlefield: Bad Company 2

To start with, I need to clarify 2 things...

Firstly, This is not a REVIEW of the game, Nor is it designed to make you want to buy the game or not, This is my THOUGHTS about the game, So if you want to debate them in a calm manner then feel free to drop a comment, But any over-the-top, "who do you think you are?" type responses will be promptly ignored.

Secondly, I did NOT play the multiplayer on this game, Nor do i have any intention to. If a game can't stand up in single player then it should be an MMO.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Seeing is Believing

Anyone with xbox LIVE should head HERE asap for a free pair of night vision goggles for your avatar... only valid till tomorrow, so get it done now.