Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Where oh where is shadow?

Well I don't know what's happened to the others, but I guess I'll have to get onto that.
I'm going to keep going with the blog so GO ME! yay!

I am, as you may have guessed, in a university class right now. Hooray for not doing work while pretending to do work.
I'm in my Philosophy class Mind and World. It's pretty good. Keeps me entertained at the very least.
We are talking about perception in relation to the Identity Theory. If you don't know what that is then congratulations, you are the same level with me.
Wow...It's been a while since I started writing this. I am now three classes further into my day. You know what that means?! If I haven't posted this blog/have written anything for it since I entered that means....I'M LEARNING?! WHAT THE HELL!? I'm focusing attention on my lectures than what ever the hell I want? What is wrong with me?

Oh well, I am here now, waiting for my Critical Reasoning class to start. You know the one...The one with the lecturer who famously coined Cerdibilkity.
I am really lost with this class which isn't a good thing. I am doing poorly in terms of assignments for my other classes but at least I know what is going on. This class I just straight up forget everything we've talked about.
Oh well. (My favourite new phrase it seems).

I guess I should get going. I'll leave a comment if my lecturer gives me any more classic class moments to think about. But otherwise I better just call it a day.

My name is Mikey and all that glitters has a high refractive index.

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