Thursday, May 26, 2011

Guess where I might be?

Have you figured it out?
I am at uni...But what class?

Gosh you're such an idiot audience.

Any how here I am, in this class. Just sort of existing.
I have a story to workshop and I will get to that I'm sure. But you know, lazy.

I had a strange dream last night. It consisted of Scoot asking me how I wanted my Zombie Avatar to look for the forums of this website.
Why Zombie? I'll never know, but that is what he asked me.
It was strange none the less.

So yeah I'm pretty keen to get the Zelda Occarina of Time 3Ds special edition...Comes with an actual Occarina! Plus some music sheets to play some songs...
I don't have a 3DS (Yet) but by gosh do I want to get the game just for the Occarina.
I think I might.

That's my bit done.
I guess I should pay attention to my final tute.

My name is Mikey and I don't like change.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Guess where I am?

So I'm posting my weekly 'Kive update...
Guess where I am then?


You are a champion. I like your style.
But why do you do this in class Mikey?
Well I'm glad you asked, my answer is that because I'm so good at not working, while pretending to work, I manage to actually get some work done for another thing. Such as posting updates on the 'Kive.
Couldn't you use this time, if not paying attention to your actual class, to work on your other uni based work?
Well persistent imaginary voice, I don't like to do work that might actually benefit me. So there.

I think I'll be off now. I am out of class and about to head home. Now it just feels dirty to post here while not at class.


My name is Mikey and I'm better than most garden plants.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Post. Deal with it.

Here is a post. I hope you enjoy it. (Side note: This is slightly different form my tumblr version of this post.)

Here I sit, once again at university.

Hooray for not getting shit done.

There has been lots going on for me. I'm not in a class right now, I'm just in the library. Listening to music, posting stuff online, pretending to be vaguely interested in the things the occasional person I know says to me.
You know, socialising when one doesn't really want to socialise.
I'm pretending to essays right now. I say pretending. I'm trying, my brain just doesn't want to let me. I blame it on you. All of you individually.
I have no grounds for this accusation obviously, I just thought it might be nice to include you to my insanity. Well possibly insane to you, to me I suppose it has become my normalized reality.

Oh look a squirrel....

Where was I? Right the popcorn. That's a lie, I wasn't talking about popcorn, I was just testing myself to see that I could write about anything soon as it entered my brain. I wasn't going to edit that idea, I wasn't going to think of something more funny or witty for the post. I just wanted to write the first thing. It was popcorn. I am a bastion of creative thinking. Hooray for broken imagination. Or really good. Depends how you look at it and what your mind can do with popcorn. NOT THAT YOU SICK FUCKS.
Maybe that.
Of course the problem with this is, that while I am writing it, I am the editor and such so that you don't know if I actually have edited it so that what I wrote initially may not have been popcorn.
Live in fear reader. Live in fear.
Okay it was popcorn. I didn't alter anything. BUT I COULD HAVE.

Wow, I get ranty. I mean rant in the sense that I just go on and on, with no real purpose and or structure I just write. I wanted to write a book that incorporated this at some stage. I think I might get back on that track. It was fun to write and sort of just did it's own thing. I don't know what genre the book fell into. It was weird. I mean it actively engaged with the reader and then commented on the fact that engaging with a reader was impossible in real time and that breaking the fourth wall is fun. It was fun to do. It also had some of my short stories in there because well why not?
My observations are in there too. Not all of them, but some. I can always observe more.

Man I wish I was wearing a full silk outfit. It would be just so nice right now. I don't really know why but I like the idea.
Give me something to muse on. Someone. Any one?
Fuck you guys are useless.

See there I go again. I can't break the fourth wall and have reaction/response in real time.

Well I can end this here. I know I can because I am the writer. I decided when I stop. So there.
I shall say good day to you all.

My name is Mikey and I SAID GOOD DAY!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Where oh where is shadow?

Well I don't know what's happened to the others, but I guess I'll have to get onto that.
I'm going to keep going with the blog so GO ME! yay!

I am, as you may have guessed, in a university class right now. Hooray for not doing work while pretending to do work.
I'm in my Philosophy class Mind and World. It's pretty good. Keeps me entertained at the very least.
We are talking about perception in relation to the Identity Theory. If you don't know what that is then congratulations, you are the same level with me.
Wow...It's been a while since I started writing this. I am now three classes further into my day. You know what that means?! If I haven't posted this blog/have written anything for it since I entered that means....I'M LEARNING?! WHAT THE HELL!? I'm focusing attention on my lectures than what ever the hell I want? What is wrong with me?

Oh well, I am here now, waiting for my Critical Reasoning class to start. You know the one...The one with the lecturer who famously coined Cerdibilkity.
I am really lost with this class which isn't a good thing. I am doing poorly in terms of assignments for my other classes but at least I know what is going on. This class I just straight up forget everything we've talked about.
Oh well. (My favourite new phrase it seems).

I guess I should get going. I'll leave a comment if my lecturer gives me any more classic class moments to think about. But otherwise I better just call it a day.

My name is Mikey and all that glitters has a high refractive index.