Monday, February 28, 2011

DS, Sickness and Love.

So I just got myself a DS cartridge thing (DSTWO) that allows me to play any DS game, GBA game, or even Snes game I desire on my DS.
*Cough* Completely legal.
So far it's going great and I love the ability to jump between say Mario Kart and then Space Invaders Extreme. All in all I think it is damn awesome.

So for the past few days I've had the flu something shocking...My body shakes, it's hot all over (Bow Chicka Bow Wow) headaches are a bitch and well it's just plain not nice. I'm taking all sorts of herbal remidies...Wait no, that stuff is bullshit....What I meant to say was that I'm taking prescription drugs and this bitch just won't leave me.

On the plus side, I'm back at University! Woo! And Orientation Week was a blast (Though lots of it is shrouded in alcohol caused mystery). So with my new (very open) schedual I think I can get back into the posting of frequently on here.
Also, as Scoot mentioned, farewell MCG, you will be missed.

My name is Mikey, and the condom factory owe me money.

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