Friday, February 18, 2011


I had never planned to post on this topic, but things continue to escalate and the air is full of overblown opinions on both sides, so here we go... Kotaku vs Bungie. Kotaku recently posted an article claiming they had been in contact with an unnamed source who had been, along with over 30 others, fired from Bungie. The report claims a large number of contractors from various departments had been released due to project sensitivity and budgetary restraints, although apparently Bungie told their contractors it was performance related. Bungie responded to this with their own message stating that there had been no layoffs or group firings of any kind. Not to let things end there though, Kotaku has now turned up a second "100% verified" source who confirms a history of poor treatment to contractors at Bungie, and they point out that Bungie's response never addressed their details about Destiny, that it would be an MMO with FPS elements.

OK, so that's the story so far... Here's how i see it. The original Kotaku post reveals one line of possibly leaked information about the new game, while the rest of the article is a story about Bungie mistreating and firing contractors. Bungie's response covers the story of the contractors and ensures that Bungie are dedicated to their staff. Kotaku turn up a second source who can confirm Bungie mistreats contractors, but DOES NOT say anything about the recent firings and/or leaked info. Kotaku's latest story also latches onto the point that Bungie's response didn't address their leaked info at all, but why would they? If i posted right here that the new Bungie game is going to be a racing game featuring characters from Call of Duty and World of Warcraft going head to head, i wouldn't expect Bungie to respond to the claim at all. Kotaku's story seems more focused on the contractors, so it's in Bungie's best interest to respond to that and preserve their reputation, but they have no need to comment on speculation as to what their new game is.

In closing, until Kotaku can provide something more than unnamed sources complaining about work conditions, i'm calling this story 110% bullshit.

[Original Kotaku post HERE]
[Second Kotaku post HERE]

1 comment:

  1. I'd call this story 110% bullshit too. Now, I know I'm a bungie fan boy, but still I try to be objective as possible and every account/interview/footage/behind the scenes and all that jazz that I have ever seen or looked into, indicates that on all accounts Bungie treat their staff quite well. So yeah...
