Friday, September 10, 2010

Multi-Platform Dreams

Let's just say for a second that you're a Sony fanboy and need to quickly name an exclusive PS3 title... you'd name Heavy Rain, right? (to be fair, MS fans would name Halo, thus proving the point that all fanboys are idiots, regardless of preferred console). Well, while the PS3 may have Heavy Rain to fall back on, David Cage (Director of Heavy Rain and founder of Quantic Dreams) has told that the company will be looking into going multi-platform with it's next title. While still unannounced, Quantic Dreams' next work in progress is not likely to be Heavy Rain 2, but with the companies previous works (Heavy Rain and Fahrenheit) being so similar, it wouldn't be a surprise to see another game cut from the same cloth. So Xbox and possibly even Wii players might possibly look forward to getting some hands-on time with an 'interactive drama'... or they could go back to playing Halo / Mario, which for once might actually be a better idea.

P.S. upon spellchecking this article, it would seem 'fanboy' isn't recognised as a real word... I beg to differ.

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