Sunday, September 12, 2010

Epic Puts It's Cheating Cap On

In case you don't know, Gamespot are currently running a poll to find the all time greatest villain in video games. The latest round sees Gears' General RAAM take on Half-Life baddie Dr. Breen. It's been a close battle, with RAAM lagging behind most of the way, but Epic want to change that. Earlier today, Gears Executive Producer Rod Fergusson decided it was time to call in the cavalry and laid down the terms for the next Gears of War 2 multiplayer multiplier event. "Every % pt RAAM wins over Dr. Breen = the XP multiplier for the next event. e.g. 60% vs 40% = 20x XP" tweeted Fergusson. So, if you've missed the previous events and want to get that multiplier up, then all you need to do is head HERE and put in your vote for RAAM.

UPDATE: It would seem Fergusson underestimated the power of PC gamers as General RAAM is STILL losing, so Fergusson has now said to forget about the % multiplier... If RAAM wins, it'll be a 30x XP bonus. As i write this, RAAM is down by about 1,100 votes, so if you want that XP, head on over there and get your vote in.

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