Tuesday, August 3, 2010

One on One with Kinect

Ever since Microsoft's Kinect and Sony's Move were brought to light at E3, there has been much debate over which is better and the advantages and disadvantages of each. The most interesting of which has been Kinect's ability to follow movement. I've heard reports that the camera has difficulty following movement, but i've also heard that the camera keeps track perfectly well. So which is it? Well, according to Harmonix (who are working on Kinect launch title, Dance Central) the camera is perfectly capable of reading 1:1 movement with no lag. So if Harmonix is right, then you'll be able to flail around in front of your TV come November and the on screen avatar will be able to keep step with you just fine... Of course this still doesn't make me any more interested in picking up Dance Central. Sorry Harmonix.

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