Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm alive...OR AM I!?!

In regards to Scoots recent post, yes I do walk among the living.
Hooray for me.
But that may all come to an abrupt end. See over here at university me and some friends have come up with a new game that when role played seriously, turns out to be so fun it is damn funny.
ZST Or Zombie Survival Training is exactly what it sounds like.

It started when me and two of my friends had a long discussion about how to best survive a Zombie Apocolypse. Realistically. Ultimately I think we'd all want a Lightsaber, I mean those things would take down a zombie like fuckin' no mans business. But realistically there would be so much panic and people scrambling etc...So we thought about it as a logical process. The zombies are your classic zombie, slow moving, able to lunge at a close range, not capable of thought, able to sense/smell/hear human presence and other zombies. And able to relay that information to each other through pheremone release (sort of like a stupid hive mind). So they know where you are, and can let other zombies further away know too, so they can amble over to feast.
After much debate and theoreticals (which I won't go into here unless you really want me too) we decided the best course of action, to see how easy it would be to make a get away, in say our common room at the Hall.
So we acted it out. Panicing survivor, ambling zombies the whole 9 yards.

Now this is probably something that some of you may have thought of or even tried but we took it to a new level…We really thought it out. We started simple...Survivor has to kill zombies (only had two people to act as zombies at the time). It was surprising difficult as we only had the objects in the common room, such as a folder, monopoly box etc and we reasoned that these weren't heavy objects so it would take multiple blows to the head to stop them. After a few test runs we decided it just wasn't enough. It needed more. So we added objectives for the survivor. These were simple but included having to find a phone, (which was hidden somewhere in the room while the survivors eyes were closed - The phone was placed in a logical location that a phone would end up during the chaos, such as on a table or a discarded jacket etc) this phone was for simple telecommunications to aid possible rescue or find survivors. Then we figured they would need to locate some form of container for water/supplies. So we had a bit 2 litre bottle of water also hidden somewhere for the survivor to find. This was for the standard, if you do make it out and you have to run or hide for however long, you would need supplies to last the time. Simple survival logic. We also figured that a survivor would have to find a weapon to deal with the zombies. This was all in a single common room area with lots of objects in it and such, but no real zombie weapon so it relied heavily on the survivors quick thinking skills.
These items could be collected in any order, weapon was usually the first choice as it was harder to deal with the zombies other wise.

So all in all it was possible the most fun I've had in some time and more time for me to refine my zombie survival skills. Keep in mind that this was with only 5 people total, 1 survivor (alternating) and then 4 zombies at max. We realise that we need many more zombies, around 10 or 12 in such a small space would make it much more challenging and fun but regardless.

So I thought I’d just let the internet know that it was awesome and I can’t wait for the next game/training session.


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