Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Disappointment And Rage Goes Here

Over the last week I've started playing World of Warcraft... I'll just pause here for a moment until the Rage and Disappointment dies down... Done?... Good, let's continue. So, WoW, in the past i've given it crap and much hate for being an MMORPG. Most of this comes from the fact i can't stand having to play games with other people. After a week of WoW, i've come to realise that while parts of it are still rageworthy, and indeed many players of the game are I'll let you finish that sentence), The entire game isn't bad. It's still possible to play solo, in fact the game may arguably be easier solo. Once you look past the MMO aspect, WoW becomes very similar to games such as Morrowind and Oblivion... Yes, i said that, now stop raging and listen... as much of the game just involves trekking across the land (easily as big as the world in Oblivion), slaying monsters, retrieving items and there's even some dungeon crawling you can do by yourself if you so wish. The amount of players running around will vary greatly depending on what server you decide to play on. I'm on a server for noobs, so there will rarely be more than 100 players online at once. In a world the size of Oblivion it means that running into other people out in the wild is pretty rare. Obviously there ARE the dungeons and raids that require you to be in larger groups (anywhere from 5 players to 25) but these are pretty much completely optional. I guess what i'm getting at here is, not everything about WoW sucks, and some people who hated it for being an MMO may actually like it if they give it a chance. I wouldn't recommend trying to download the free trial though, unless you've got several gigs of download limit to spare.

Oh, and for anyone wondering whats coming up, I'm going to be writing something up about the Winter of Arcade (I bought all the games and am going to do a mass 5-in-1 review i guess), I'm going to try to review Mafia 2 and possibly Kane & lynch 2, and there's a heap of new albums coming out so i might try to get some more music reviews up.

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