Sunday, January 30, 2011

Method 413

ZST: Zombie Survival training.

Hello all and welcome to another edition of ZST! Today I’m going to share with you method 413 of surviving the Zombie Apocolypse!

Zombie survival method 413 is as follows, feel free to adapt as required.

Zombie survival tips…By ME!
1. Get all your smelly clothes together.
2. Find a big printer or any printer really.
3. Print hundreds of copies of yourself.
4. Stick them to walls, traps, doors, what ever.
5. Rub your smelly clothes over them to ‘bind’ your smell to it.
6. Watch with ammusement as Zombies struggle to comprehend what’s happening.
7. Live life in Zombie free paradise.
8. YAY!

And there you have it, another helpful tip from the ZST Hand book.

Written by, well…Me.
I like coming up with creative solutions at 5am.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Are you playing?

So I'm playing the waiting game now...Damn this game. I've sent in my story and all that so I'm just waiting for the news...I have no idea when that's going to happen either so yeah...

Also I've been playing LOTS of Halo Reach over the last few days, getting back into it so woo.
I've also started exploring the wonderful world of online flash games and such which I always recommend.
You Have To Burn the Rope is one of favourites...You can finish it in seconds and then there's an AWESOME song that is currently on my ipod. Woo.

So yeah are you playing the waiting game like me? Let me know if you are or just come on XBL and play some Reach or something.
Oh finally, I downloaded the Bulletstorm demo on XBL and so far I really enjoyed it. I think I will get the full game NOT just for the Gears of War 3 beta.
It was damn fun, and I look forward to seeing more of it.


Monday, January 24, 2011

Every Waking Moment

GAH! I'm so nervous!
So here's what's up...I've written that story for the scholarship! I have it all done, I'm on my second draft I'm just so worried it won't be good enough and such!

I mean this scholarship is worth like 10 grand! Or 5 grand...Hell I'd kill for 3rd or 4th place which pay 2.5 grand.

I hate writers block...Which has something to do with the story a little too actually.

Well that's me done.
F. I think that's a note...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Demo's Galore

You may or may not remember that i reported there would be a Bulletstorm demo going live on the 25th. Well turns out EA isn't happy with just taking over your life for the half hour it takes to finish that demo, because now they've revealed a Crysis 2 online multiplayer demo will be hitting the same day. The demo will only include 1 map and 2 game modes, but should give you the opportunity to try out the highly anticipated online multiplayer before the game releases. Oh and on the topic of Bulletstorm, i may or may not know of someone who may or may not have played it and may or may not have thought it was good, but may or may not be allowed to talk about it... but my suggestion, go out and pick up the demo before you drop your hard earned cash on it.

The Duke Returns

The people over at Game Informer have managed to discover and leak the release date of Duke Nukem Forever. While the May 6th (May 3rd for U.S.) release date is closer than most suspected, it's not really that big a surprise as Gearbox have already had the game running in Brisbane's Mana Bar. Ever the joker, Gearbox executive producer Randy Pitchford had the following comment concerning the leak, "Somehow the guys at Game Informer magazine discovered Duke Nukem Forever's launch date before I did,".

Team MW3

A report from the LA Times has claimed that Activision has got Sledgehammer, Infinity Ward AND Raven Software (creators of Singularity) all working on Modern Warfare 3. Supposedly Sledgehammer and IW are both working on the single player aspects while Raven Software fiddles around with the online multiplayer. There's no real evidence to back this up yet other than Activision confirming they'll have yet another new CoD game to release in the usual end of year time slot. On top of this, Sledgehammer is still working on a completely different CoD project, which has apparently been put on hold until MW3 has been wrapped up. Activision responded to the article by sending the following statement to IGN... "There's been much speculation recently. We look forward to releasing details for the next Call of Duty in the near future."

Slayer Of Aliens... And Dragons Too

EA loves their cross-promoting, and it has reared it's head once more in a somewhat predictable way. Planning on buying Dead Space 2? What about Dragon Age 2? If your answer to both those questions was yes, then you're in luck. When you purchase Dead Space 2, you'll now get an unlock code for a full set of armour that resembles the Dead Space hero, Isaac Clarke (plasma cutter not included). Not his first excursion into other games, Isaac was also a hidden character in Skate 3.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hudson Loses Control

Hudson Entertainment, creators of such gems as Bomberman, will be undergoing some changes as of April 1st. Konami, who currently owns a majority 54% share of Hudson, will be doing a complete takeover of the company.Current Hudson CEO Michihiro Ishizuka is apparently set to step down on March 31st, making way for Konami's Kazuhiko Uehara to take over. This doesn't actually seem like a completely bad thing, as it will allow Konami a more serious role in the creation of new titles in the Hudson franchises and allow the talented developers at Hudson to help out more on Konami projects. So the biggest change you may see will be in name form, as Konami is considering changing the studio's name as part of the acquisition.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

No More Propoganda

Creators of Tron: Evolution and the 2008 Turok reboot, Propaganda Games, has now closed it's doors. The developer had a Pirates of the Caribbean game in the works which got cancelled back in October and the team there stayed on just long enough to release Tron: Evolution and it's subsequent DLC, but with that now done the studio has now officially closed.

A Bizarre Ending

The eleventh hour is upon Bizarre Creations who have been given the recommendation to close up shop. Activision previously gave the studio a 90 day warning as it looked into other possibilities, but after failing to find a suitable buyer for the studio, Activision has officially recommended Bizarre Creations close their doors. Bizarre's most recent efforts come in the form of Blur, which according to Activision failed to find a commercial audience and 007: Bloodstone which performed poorly in the sales department. The closure of Bizarre Creations will see 200 people jobless, but Activision will be offering assistance with counseling and external placement services. Personally, i quite liked Blur and i know people who loved Bloodstone, plus the Project Gotham Racing series was always good, so the team clearly has talent and it will be sad to see the studio close, but i'm sure everyone there will have luck finding new opportunities elsewhere.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Epic Exile

A new trademark and logo has turned up which reveal what may be a new Gears of War game. Gears of War: Exile could be absolutely anything, but my money is on the rumoured Gears Kinect game. Check out the logo below and let me know what you think... Is it a Kinect game? Is it a spin-off game? Perhaps it's a top down shooter Arcade game where you play as an exiled Locust trying to survive in the underground tunnels as COG's flood in to bring an end to the Locust... I don't know, but i'm sure we'll find out soon.

A Special Death

Deathsmiles is a sidescrolling shooter that has already been released in most parts of the world, and finally it will be coming to PAL regions too... in a shiny special edition. The 3 disc Deluxe Edition will include a 23 song soundtrack, a desktop accessory and a game disc that includes 3 versions of the game (Original arcade version, Xbox arcade version and a completely new version, Version 1.1) plus the Mega Black Label DLC. This is all a bit hard to explain, but basically if Deathsmiles looks like it might be your thing, the Deluxe Edition is well worth the extra money.

Packed For The U.S.

You may have heard already, but the Gears of Ware triple pack was revealed not too long ago. The pack includes Gears of War, Gears of War 2 and the Gears of War 2 All Fronts Pack. Here's the kicker though, Microsoft has confirmed the pack "is a US regional promotion", so it's highly unlikely we'll be seeing it on Australian shores.

Home 2.0

I'm home now...Well actually, I'm out of my birth place home, I'm in Adelaide again, getting ready for university and such.
But I thought I'd let you fair people know that I'm back and should be ready for a more set schedule of posting and such.



Advanced Animus Training

Ubisoft has now released the second load of DLC for Assassins Creed: Brotherhood. As with the first Animus DLC, the Animus Project 2.0 pack includes a new map, Pienza, and a new game mode, Chest Capture, and comes to you for the low, low price of free. Pienza is the typical acrobatic friendly type of map you should be expecting of AC:B by now, while Chest Capture is a whole new way to play. In Chest Capture, players will be split into 2 3-man teams, with one team being given the goal of following their radars to chests which need to be looted, and the other team trying to stop them. Sure, it's basically just the Assault gametype you'd expect to see on any FPS, but as with everything else, the unique style of Brotherhood's online mode makes the game more ridiculous than usual.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Pulse Beats Once More

After rumours last week about a discovered Final Fantasy XIII-2 website, Square Enix officially announced the game at the Square Enix 1st Production Department Premiere press event. Not only is the game in the works, but it must be a fair way into production already as the game has been slated for a 2011 release. So presuming we don't see any delays, we'll be seeing the 2nd true Final Fantasy sequel hit shelves before the end of the year.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Chaos Before The Storm

If you're like me (and hopefully you're not) then when a game like Bulletstorm comes up, you're a bit cautious about it. Personally, i'm not remotely sold on the upcoming shooter yet but many people seem to be ready to dive into it headfirst (digging up their Gears 3 beta codes at the same time). Well if you ARE like me, or just can't stand the wait till release then i have some good news... Bulletstorm will be getting a demo, which you'll be able to grab from the marketplace from January 25th. This should give people a chance to actually decide whether they like the game based on stuff other than it's overuse of swearing and crude humour, like say, it's gameplay.

Dreams Become Reality

We've previously reported rumours that Sega was planning to release a Dreamcast Collection game and this news has now been confirmed. Sadly the SEGA Dreamcast Collection disc will only include the 4 games already available on the Xbox LIVE Marketplace (being Sonic Adventure, Crazy Taxi, Space Channel 5 Part 2 and Sega Bass Fishing). So if you haven't picked any of those up yet, then look out for the collection to be hitting store shelves at the end of February on Xbox and PC.

A Bee In The Web

Developer of the latest Spiderman game, Beenox, have been confirmed to be taking charge of the production of Spiderman games for Activision from this point on. The latest game, Shattered Dimensions, was a success in comparison to other recent spidey titles and Activision have said they're excited to see where Beenox can take the franchise next.

Numeric Squared

Actual sequels are a somewhat rare thing amongst the games of the Final Fantasy franchise. Only one game in the main series has received a direct sequel (Final Fantasy X) and there haven't even been many in the spin-off games. Well that number may go up soon, as it was noticed that Corporation Service Company, the company who acts as Square Enix's registrar, recently purchased the online domain of This would seem a sequel is in the works for Final Fantasy XIII, and while Square Enix has yet to confirm anything, they have a event coming up where it's rumoured other Final Fantasy titles including Final Fantasy Versus XIII and Final Fantasy XIII Agito will be making an appearance, so maybe we'll find out soon.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hammer Your Fears Away.


Yeah that's right...I'm posting gaming news...I'm a gamer too...Just a lazy one...Scoot does most of the news stuff...I just sit back and relax...Until now.
Okay, okay to be fair in this scenario Scoot was just not online and forwarded me the information to post FOR HIM...So yeah here is the news, you've earned it!

First up, Fear 3 the next in the line to inherit the well made and popular Fear franchise from Warner Bros has pushed back it's release date this year from the 22 of March to May...No reason has yet been given. Boo to them I suppose.

And finally we have some news from Sledgehammer Games. The studio that brought us (well headed) Dead Space, has some recent job listing things...These job listings IMPLY, I stress imply that they are working on the next Call of Duty game... and not a spin-off but the next title in the main series.

Looks like we have a bad news good news situation...Yay!

Also G...That's a note isn't it?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

There's got to be a pattern to it...

So you know what I don't understand? The common saying "random strangers".
Such as; "I just threw the fliers at random strangers" etc.
If these people really are strangers, does it matter if you selected them randomly or not? Could you even select them in an order?

I guess you could sit down, estimate the number of people on a street at any given time and make a pattern to the ones you throw things to...Such as two people on the right, three on the left...
But really...They are still strangers...Does it really matter?!

I also want to know where such a phrase originated from...I want to know it's history. Etymology is a hobby of mine and I do enjoy discovering the genesis of a word or phrase.

Uhh well that was a interest tangent for my brain to run off...I had a plan for this nice new post but my fingers just sort of got into a rhythm...

And on that note, BYEE!

Dirt and Grime Have Never Looked So Good

Following the reveal of the new Tomb Raider reboot in Game Informer, we now have the first pictures of the game and boy does it look shiny. There's a few of them, so rather than putting them all here and making the home page a mile long, i'll put them after the break, so click through to check them out...

Bouncing Back

With Halo: Reach pretty much done with, it was only a matter of time before info started turning up on exactly what Bungie would take their hand to next. Obviously, i wouldn't have started the post that way if i didn't have such info, so here we go... Bungie filed a number of trademarks back in July last year which might give us an idea where they're going. They registered trademarks on 4 names, specifically, Seven Seraphs, Osiris, New Monarchy and Dead Orbit. It also turns out that a series of web domains were taken out by Bungie Aerospace, which you can see clearly shows the Bungie logo and redirects to when clicked. The web domains registered are:
What does this all mean? No idea, but i thought you'd like to know.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Have you heard of the block?

I'm sure you all know what Writers Block is.
It's that lovely cube that most writers blame their writing based woes on. I have some of it now, nothing stopping me from writing random shit for the 'Kive or my Tumblr, but it is stopping me from writing any real good works.
Which is where I have my problem.
I have stumbled across a rather perfect scholarship for me to try my hand at, a literature scholarship in which I have to write a short story between 1000-3000 words by the end of this month. The scholarship itself is worth 10k, or 5k for second OR 2.5k for third and fourth.

My biggest problem is that I can't think of something to write that would be awesome enough for even fourth place!
Woe is me and the cube that causes my problems.

Suggest a serious idea! It could be fun! I'll send you the story too, once I write it.

I'll keep at it, see if I can't turn this cube into sphere...Smooth those cocky corners.

C Sharp.
And on that note, I'm done.

The Gold Standard

Are you an awesome gamer? Spent a lot of time on Castle Crashers? Well then sharpen up your... whatever it is you use to kill things, because The Behemoth has a competition for you. To celebrate Castle Crashers reaching 2 million players, The Behemoth are starting up the tournament of champions. Here's how it works... Get yourself into the top 100 spots on the Weekly Ranked Arena leaderboard and still be there at midday on the 28th of January (American PST time) and you'll be entered into the tournament. Those 100 people will then have to compete in 1 on 1 arena matches on February 5th to see who eventually turns out to be the champion of champions. Whats in it for you (apart from a cool title), you ask? All 100 players will receive a prize, the top 24 will receive an extra prize, plus there will be major prizes for the top 3 players... Third place can curl up in bed at night and sob about how close they came in the company of 250 squishy chickens. Second place can practice more on the Castle Crashers themed Elite Xbox console they pick up. And finally, First place can spend a few hours staring at their shiny shiny reflection... on the side of the 24-Carat gold coated Xbox console they'll win...

/Rant - Online Multiplayer (Or How The Internet Destroyed Gaming)

I was having an extremely in depth thought about online gaming (actually it was 4am and i was thinking about it while completely zoned out from the game of Audiosurf i was playing) and i realised that i have a reputation for hating multiplayer games, when in actuality i only hate certain aspects that people probably haven't noticed went down the toilet around the same time online multiplayer took off. So i thought i'd write a rant about how being online has changed the dynamics of multiplayer gaming. As mentioned, i'm known to hate multiplayer, so you can expect this rant to be 100% unbiased and clearly show the evidence for both sides of the argument... but seriously, once you've finished reading, please direct your hate mail and death threats to the comments section at the bottom of the post.

More Kombatants

More details continue to leak from Game Informer's February issue, however this time the game in question is Mortal Kombat. While the confirmed roster is still fairly small, Kratos was added to the PS3 version during the VMA's and now we have two more to add. Both Goro and Jade will be making their way into MK2011 with Goro taking o his familiar appearance and lair from the original, plus having the ability to throw projectiles, meanwhile Jade's appearance will mix her looks from Ultimate Mortal Kombat and Mortal Kombat: Deception. Also, there WILL be an Xbox exclusive character but it's not that they're trying to keep it under wraps... The problem is that the extra fighter hasn't actually been decided on yet. There's also mention of post launch DLC, which could be anything, but popular rumour seems to be that it will come in the form of more fighters.

P.S. i was going to make a title that was some weird amalgamation of "Go On" and "Goro" but the only thing that came to mind was Goron, which seems like more of a Zelda reference

Monday, January 10, 2011

I have my lucid moments...Oh Deja Vu.

Guess who's lazy but really enjoyed what I wrote so I thought I'd double it up. Me! Go Tumblr!


Isn't it wonderful. I love to dream. It might sound fan-boyish or cliche, but Inception had the right idea when they talked about the freedom of dreaming, the pure creation of it all.

I think I'm addicted to the act of dreaming.

Is it possible?

Why wouldn't it be. To dream is to experience life like no other person could, like you never could. I love being in a dream and you understand what is happening, you take control and shape the dream how you wish, you change things, alter your new reality.

Talk to the dreams, see what they have to say for themselves. Dream of that special someone....Naked. *Wink*

Or experience life through the eyes of an animal or mythological beast. That's the beauty of dreams. They are what you want them to be. Experience things that could never exist in the world, creatures only limited by your ability to think of them.

I am trying to learn and master lucid dreaming so that I can at least be a master of something. And so that I can experience my dreams in a much more real way.

I love to dream.

E Flat

And on that note,

I'm out.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Born of the Dragon

Game Informer magazine are set to unveil The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim in their February issue, but in true Arkhive fashion, i'm going to go ahead and give you the details early. So Game Informer spoke to Bethesda's Todd Howard who gave them a whole heap of inside info, which pretty much translates to the following...
  • Story
  • Skyrim will take place 200 years after Oblivion and isn’t a direct sequel in the traditional sense of things – from a story perspective.
  • You take the role of one of the supposed last remaining Dragonborn, a true dragon hunter, and will no doubt be tasked to stop the huge dragon God, Alduin, also known as the World Eater.
  • Esbern, your in-game mentor of sorts, is one of the last surviving Blades and will be voiced by Max Von Sydow
  • Your hero will be tasked with walking 7,000 steps to the high retreat of High Hrothgar to get dragon slaying training from a group of mysterious old men that reside there called the Greybeards.
  • Game World
  • There are said to be “six or seven really different environment looks” in Skyrim, says Bethesda's Todd Howard.
  • There are 5 massive cities to explore. Yes, you can fast travel to previously explored places.
  • There are 10 races in Skyrim.
  • There are a variety of tasks to do in Skyrim as well, including crafting new weapons at the forge, creating poisons and potions through alchemy and you can enchant items with magical powers.
  • You can also get involved in mundane tasks if you wish, like farming, woodcutting, mining and even cooking.
  • Dropping weapons in the street can end in different outcomes; for instance, it could remain there forgotten, it could be picked up by a small boy and returned to you, or two men could fight over its ownership.
  • The game world is said to be much more alive and detailed than in Oblivion, and boast incredible draw distances. Everything is said to be traversable.
  • The game world is populated with a variety of animals from saber-tooth cats to woolly mammoths.
  • Lesser dragons roam the game world, meaning they will play a far more significant part this time around. They are a big part of Skyrim and won’t be held back until the end.
  • Missions
  • Thanks to something Bethesda are calling the Radiant story system, the game’s lesser missions will react to who you are and where you are, and present you with quests that are “flavoured dynamically.”
  • That’ll take into account where you’ve been, who you’ve killed, what skills you’ve upgraded, who are your friends and who are your enemies. For instance, a magic user may give a fellow magic user a quest, but not someone who levelled up their weapon skill.
  • If you kill a shopkeeper that was going to give you a quest, his sister will inherit the store and may give you the quest out of anger or frustration instead.
  • The ability to duel in the streets is mentioned.
  • Through missions, the game will encourage players to go places they’ve never visited. For instance, a woman might ask you to save her kidnapped offspring and the game will send you to a dungeon you’ve never been before. It’ll then set enemies that are appropriately matched to your strengths and weaknesses.
  • NPCs
  • Faces have been dramatically overhauled, giving them more emotion and making them as realistic as they ever have been in a Bethesda game.
  • Conversations are revamped and no longer zoom in on a rigid character. Instead, characters will often get on with what they are doing with the occasional glances at the player character, for instance.
  • Characters can overhear details from other people’s conversations that they can do with as they see fit, from hearing about missing items or unusual situations. All of which are stored in a log.
  • Combat
  • Skyrim welcomes the two hands/two options approach, enabling players to mix and match what each hand holds, whether it’s a spell/weapon combo, a weapon/weapon combo, a spell/spell combo or a weapon/shield combo. Whatever you want is possible.
  • You can setup loadouts and change them in combat with only a momentary pause.
  • There are finishing moves now that are weapon and opponent specific.
  • Bows take longer to draw back this time, but are much more powerful.
  • There are only 5 schools of magic in Skyrim – there was 6 in Oblivion – with Mysticism being cut. Howard insisted that with them jiggling stuff around, it became redundant.
  • Bethesda has slowed down how fast you move backwards too, so you can’t just backpedal in combat. Apparently being able to move as fast backwards as you can forwards made your character look ridiculous in third-person view.
  • Enemies don’t necessarily charge at the player when they see him this time and some will have unique patterns and tendencies.
  • Players can learn unique abilities called “dragon shouts” by absorbing the souls of dragons – one of the benefits of the dragonborn - of which there are over 20 in the game and each is formed from three words of power. They can push enemies away, slow down time, transport you and even summon a dragon, amongst other things.
  • Levelling Up
  • There is no class system per se in Skyrim and how a player plays depends on what skills the character gains. Use a one-handed weapon, watch that skill increase, etc. You get experience for everything.
  • Skill increases contribute to your overall level growth. Each level gives you a boost in health and a chance to boost health, magika or stamina.
  • There are 18 separate skills in Skyrim, including such things like Illusion, Destruction, Restoration, Enchanting, etc.
  • It seems like there are 50 main levels, with Howard mentioning levelling up to 50 is roughly the same time as it would be to level an Oblivion or Fallout character to 25.
  • You can level up past 50, but it’s a dramatically slower increase than before once you get past that threshold.
  • Todd Howard confirms that Skyrim will use the perk system that they used in Fallout 3, noting that there was an automated perk system in place in Oblivion, but in Skyrim, the user has control over it. There are dozens of perks to choose from, that may increase dagger damage during stealth attacks and may mean your mace attack may ignore your foe’s armour skills.
  • On the official forums, Bethesda responded to questions about the game’s scaling system that many didn’t like in the original. “All our games have had some amount of randomness/levelling based on player level. Skyrim's is similar to Fallout 3's, not Oblivion's,” said Bethesda’s Senior Community Manager on the forums.
  • General
  • You can play Skyrim HUD free.
  • The third person perspective is said to be improved.
  • Characters can now sprint, using up stamina from their stamina supply.
So yeah, plenty of stuff to digest there, and the February issue of Game Informer will also be chock full of screenshots (which i may or may not end up putting up here when i can). Skyrim is already sounding like it's going to put Oblivion to shame, a feat i wasn't sure was possible.

Friday, January 7, 2011

News Never Sleeps

So i've fallen a bit behind on the latest in gaming news over the last week or two, so here's a quick catch-up on what you may need to know...

  • Microsoft have re-confirmed Kinect as a success by announcing the sensor has managed to sell 8 million units in it's first 60 days.
  • Microsoft announced Avatar Kinect, a program which seems to use the Kinect sensor to capture your facial movements and apply them to your avatar for the purposes of having chat sessions with others. Avatar Kinect will be free to gold subscribers within the next few months.
  • The demo of Avatar Kinect got people talking when it showed finger movements on the avatars, however Microsoft has officially responded to the chatter by saying "The Steve Ballmer Avatar Kinect animation was a video created using some of the Avatar Kinect technology for the Microsoft Keynote at CES. Avatar Kinect, which launches this spring on Xbox LIVE, will have some of this functionality."  So it looks like while MS have the finger tracking technology in the works, they're not ready to release it yet.
  • THQ are bringing back the online pass used on games such as UFC 2010, but this time it will be found on Homefront. New copies of the game will come with a free one-use pass allowing full online multiplayer access, and pre-owned buyers can buy a pass for 800 MS Points. People without a pass can still play online with full access to all maps, however will be unable to pass a level cap of 5.
  • Assassins Creed: Brotherhood has received another free multiplayer map, although this one is really only half new. The Rome At Dusk map is a dusk version of the game's Rome map.
  • Xbox Live Arcade fans keep an eye out as the Arcade House Party will be kicking off in two weeks. Seeing the release of 5 new games in 5 weeks, the party will start on February 16th with the release of Contra prequel, Hard Corps: Uprising, which will be followed by the releases of Full House Poker, Bejeweled Blitz Live, Beyond Good & Evil HD and finishing off with a console port of the hugely successful Torchlight.
Well thats pretty much it, but you can expect my usually gaming news coverage to return from this moment on, plus i'm sure mike and steve will continue posting whatever they choose, so welcome back to The Arkhive for 2011.

If one's a Theory, then what's the other?

So guess how lazy I am...C'mon guess...Extraordinarily is the answer yes.
Here, this is what I wrote for my tumblr page. I liked it, thought I'd post it here too because well..I wanted to post here.

So I was watching some TV, as one young adult at university should be doing, when I heard the reference to the 'Many Worlds Theory'. Now I immediately thought, "Man I could really use an Iced Tea right about now..."

However slightly later but with the same amount of passion and curiosity I thought; "What is the difference between the Multiverse Theory and the Many Worlds Theory?"

Now I haven't looked up anything about the Many Worlds Theory (MWT) because from my knowledge it is exactly the same as the Multiverse Theory (MT). Both postulate the idea that there are an infinite number of universes where every possibility is played out, changes may be virtually non-existent or ridiculously radical. Now to be fair I'm not 100% on these as the theories behind the Theories, but it is my understanding.

My driving question, the bullet point of this blog if you will, is why are there two names? And why have I only heard of the MWT recently...Why is it becoming more and more popular in mainstream TV Shows?

Also if they are the same thing, why say Many Worlds Theory...The Multiverse sounds so very much cooler.

Because I haven't looked up the answers to these questions I just plain don't know, but I'm just guessing that the MT was a registered copyrighted name to someone and they got all annoyed about people throwing it around so they just came up with the MWT.

Well there you have it...Me being me because I can.


Sleep is for the weak...I guess that's why we need it.

So it's 5:32am, I woke up at 4 after spending much of the day going shopping for new clothes and buying a whole load of books instead. I think it was a productive effort.
Among my book based purchases was a perfect conditioned, hardback cover of the book MYST: The Book of Ti'Ana. Which is based on the ever huge Myst universe.
Oh and it was $5.00.
I was ever so pleased.
However this is where the problem comes for me...I don't really know much OF the Myst universe. I haven't played the games, I have looked at them from time to time, but I don't know heaps. From my understanding and reading so far, the book I bought is a stand alone in the series, which is awfully convenient because I don't know much about it as I explained.
Oh and it did come with a lovely map...It is fuckin' gorgeous.
I like maps by the way, mostly fantasy ones.
So from the books acknowledgments and such, I've discovered it took quite a few people to translate the language of Myst for the book itself, which means there is so much Nerddom that I am not aware of.
I just want to know more about the universe now, I want to see if it was based of one guy making up a language and just developing a world for it or if it was the other way around etc...

Well that's about me done, and I just wanted to let you know that I have a good day.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Laying It Out

You may or may not have noticed there have been a few layout changes over the last week... Mostly it's just me messing with bits and pieces trying to find cool ideas. The current layout is entirely the work of Mike and is also not the final design. It will be changed soon-ish, namely when i stop being slack and finalise a proper design, or when i tell Steve how to change it and let him go crazy.

Of course you would trust Badgers with your personal security..Who wouldn't.

So uh, I've noticed that over the last few weeks, Badgers have been my 'go to' animal when it comes to using an animal reference in well...Any given scenario.
I'm not sure where it started. I mean I like badgers, I think they are pretty cool. And the Honey Badger is just badass! (Look that crazy bastard up, that is one fearless cute thing.)

But overall I don't know why it has come about. I should do some soul searching and see what the reason is...You know deep in side and what not.

Also I know it's not very new (in fact not at all) but I've really been getting back into an online game called Ogame. If you haven't played it, it is this fun game set in space where you create a galactic empire by developing planets, research and colonize new planets and go to war with other players from around the world and form guilds and such.
It is one of those time based games where you upgrade your metal mine, wait two minutes then upgrade again and such while also researching laser technology or something.
So yeah it is simple and it is pretty fun. Kills some time at the very least.

That is me done.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ha can you believe they fell for it?!

So we come into the new year with just about as many readers as before, lots of fond memories and lots of potential for new things.
So given the spirit of change and growth and newness and new things and all that stuff that new years are supposed to do...
I thought I would let the other admins, Scoot and Steve finally know my secret...
I am not who I have been pretending to be. I am not the loveable quirky writer you all know and love (or at least tolerate)...
I am in fact...
A god.
Let that settle in.
Now that we have that sorted...
I'm sooooooo bored.
Someone give me a game to play. I want to review something and be awesome again.
Tired...Must post..

Happy year that is slightly used now...I wonder if we can get a refund on this thing...Or maybe get the deposit back when the lease is up...I think it ends some time around 31st of December or something.

Oh well.

DICE Hasten Things Up

The world was promised an extra map on Battlefield: Bad Company 2: Vietnam when the players on their platform succeeded in performing 69,000,000 team actions. While the PC players steamrolled right through that and unlocked the Operation Hastings map, both the xbox and ps3 players have been a bit behind (i choose to believe they were busy playing a certain other vietnam war game that maybe didn't do so well on the PC). Well DICE have decided that being the new year and all, they're going to go ahead and unlock the extra map for PS3 and 360 players too. So what do you think? Generous unlock by DICE? or failed marketing campaign to get more players?