Friday, January 28, 2011

Are you playing?

So I'm playing the waiting game now...Damn this game. I've sent in my story and all that so I'm just waiting for the news...I have no idea when that's going to happen either so yeah...

Also I've been playing LOTS of Halo Reach over the last few days, getting back into it so woo.
I've also started exploring the wonderful world of online flash games and such which I always recommend.
You Have To Burn the Rope is one of favourites...You can finish it in seconds and then there's an AWESOME song that is currently on my ipod. Woo.

So yeah are you playing the waiting game like me? Let me know if you are or just come on XBL and play some Reach or something.
Oh finally, I downloaded the Bulletstorm demo on XBL and so far I really enjoyed it. I think I will get the full game NOT just for the Gears of War 3 beta.
It was damn fun, and I look forward to seeing more of it.


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