Saturday, May 22, 2010

Cryptids Are Real!!!... Kinda

You can tell it's been a slow news day when you flip past the ninemsn homepage and see the headline 'Creature steeped in folklore. Lake monster feeds on otter, beavers, say locals'... The story tells of an animal corpse recently found washed up in Canada which appears to be a new species. Locals say the species has been known to them for generations with grand parents telling stories of similar beasts. A similar set of remains was found in New York in 2008, So surely with all these remains turning up, This has to be some new creature... Right? Probably not... It seems like this is all part of a viral marketing campaign, Linked to this website. What is this campaign drawing attention to you ask... Why a show on Cartoon Network of course. I'd love to be the guy who sat in a room and went, "I know how to advertise a kids show about creatures that may or may not exist... We'll throw fake animal corpses all around the world". Anyways, I'll include the pictures from the reports and while they aren't in any way frightening or disgusting i'll keep from putting them on the main page, So click 'Read More' to see the pics...

For the record, Police findings on the original corpse decided that they were the remains of a dog and there has been no confirmed link between the corpses and the above mentioned cartoon, So if you want to go on believing there really is something more to this story, Then by all means do.

The first picture is the body of the 'Montauk Monster' found on a beach near Montauk, New York in July 08. The second is the corpse found today (22/05/10).

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