Thursday, April 28, 2011

We meet again...

Ah the University Mid Semester break is over and here I am, once again, sitting in one of my classes writing a blog post.
At last a semblance of order has been restored to my world.
Right now there is utter quite...Not a whisper...Everyone is too busy pretending to be busy with readings and such.
In fact the dead must envy such silence as this.

Oh great the class is getting somewhat important...
I have to go.

My name is Mikey and this sentence is followed with my disdain.

Friday, April 22, 2011

I thought with them...

It seems an age since the 'Kive's last update. Well I am here to rectify this situation.
I won't talk long but I will talk happily!

Are you thinking with P squared?
I have bought, played and finished Portal 2. I got it a few days early as my local store decided to break release date.
Summation...IT WAS AWESOME.
Okay so I went in with trepidation as I thought, it has a lot to live up to. Expectations, the first game and all that jazz. Well it didn't disapoint. I can say that much for sure. It was amazing. Lots of fun, great, simply superb dialouge and it was a fair bit longer than the first one which is always a bonus.
I love the characters so much. Wheatly, GLaDOS and of course our Apperture Science founder Cave Johnson. Great roles.

Oh I might post some more details about the game in a bit, I just wanted to let everyone know that we are still kicking.

My name is Mikey and this is a statement.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Frozen Feast

The Humble Bundle is back. The Humble Bundle has been and passed a few times already now and acts as a great way for indie game developers to get their game out there, while raising money for charity. This time around the bundle is brought to you by Frozenbyte and includes 3 full games (Trine, Shadow Grounds & Shadow Grounds: Survivor), a pre-order for upcoming title Splot, plus an unreleased protoype called Jack Claw (which sadly only runs on windows and currently requires an xbox control to function). All titles are completely DRM-Free and can be copied and installed on as many computers as you see fit. So how much for such an awesome bundle you ask? That's entirely up to you. The Humble Bundle allows YOU to decide how much you're willing to pay for the bundle and how you want your money to be split with proceeds going to developer Frozenbyte and/or charities Electronic Frontier Foundation & Child's Play. Having bought Humble Bundles in the past, i know how great value these bundles always are and highly recommend everyone pick this up. The games included are often of fantastic quality and might help you develop an interest in games that you might not normally play. The 3 main games in this bundle come in at well over 500mb each, but the HB team has been working hard to ensure fast download speeds by using cloud storage and geographical  caching to optimise speed, plus making a bittorrent download available.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Australia's War on Kombat

If you haven't heard by now then... well, it's probably coz i think i was too slack to report it, but Mortal Kombat is officially banned in Australia. This isn't too surprising, but what was a little surprising was a story that hit the internet saying people caught importing the game would be facing up to $110,000 fines. This seems a bit harsh, so i recently looked into the story (it's 1:30am and i'm bored, don't judge me). The first problem was that every version of the story i could find was directly quoted from Gamespot, and with all due respect to gamespot, i'd trust wikipedia before i'd trust their research. Delving deep into Customs documentation (at least as far as i could go while still making heads or tails of it) i found that it IS indeed illegal to import any game rated as RC by the classification board. It's right in the document Gamespot quoted (Customs (Prohibited Imports) Regulations 1956 - Section 4A-1A-F) however the quoted document doesn't actually make any mention of penalties. A quick search (or following this link) reveals a notice from Customs that shows a familiar figure... People can in fact be fined $110,000 for importing prohibited items, in quantities of 25 or more... oops. The fine can be given to people caught importing large quantities of prohibited items or if they have intent of selling, distributing or exhibiting said items. So what WILL happen if you're caught importing a copy of Mortal Kombat for your own personal use... In short, I don't know. I failed to turn up any relevant documentation on the penalties, but people in the past have had their games destroyed and warned not to try again, with rare cases of people being fined, but nothing as extreme as $110k. So for those considering importing it the consequences are not nearly as bad as stated by gamespot's source (who likely misunderstood the question, or just wanted to spook people from trying), however it IS still illegal and if caught Customs is in their right to hand out penalties. IMPORT AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Monday, April 4, 2011

In which stuff happens...

So it's taking me a while, not because it's hard but because I just haven't felt the urge, I'm still working on Pokemon Black.
So far the thing rocks! And for reference I'm up to the Elite Four.
I'm loving the new graphics of the game and the new sprite animations. However I'm not to keen on the sprites of the fifth gen. Pokemon.
So I will get to that in the next few days I hope. From what I understand however after the Elite Four there is still a fair bit to cover. Good long chunk of side quests and such to do.

What I've also had a lovingly long play with is my friends 3DS...It's pretty awesome.
I admit it's not everything I could want it to be and I think it may need more work, such as a longer battery life. I guess that the 3DS Lite will fix that. I assume they will release it. It will make them more money that they definitely don't need.

Oh I also really want to have Jeremy Irons' voice box. That is all.

My name is Mikey and this is a matter of Pride.