Sunday, March 21, 2010

A Very Long Drive

So, I was bored this arvo, and decided to see what songs had the biggest playcount on iTunes. And I got some very interesting results. I did some maths (oh dear god) to come up with some figures, and this is what I got.

My top 10 most played songs are -

1. Carrion - Parkway Drive - 109
2. Boneyards - Parkway Drive - 102
3. This Calling - All That Remains - 93
4. Smoke 'Em If Ya Got 'Em - Parkway Drive - 89
5. Guns For Show, Knives For A Pro - Parkway Drive - 88
6. The Siren's Song - Parkway Drive - 87
7. Gimme A D - Parkway Drive - 80
8. Idols And Anchors - Parkway Drive - 79
9. Dead Man's Chest - Parkway Drive - 70
10. Anasasis (Xenophontis) - Parkway Drive - 70

As you can see, there is alot of Parkway Drive in there (9 out of 10). So then I thought "I wonder how long I've spent listening to the song Carrion?" The answer? 5.7 hours.

But then I had an even greater thought. How many hours have I spent, not including concerts or live DVD, listening to the band Parkway Drive? So heres the figures.

I have a total of 23 Parkway Drive songs on my computer/iPod. I have listened to these 23 songs a total of 1555 times (wow). After going through and painstakingly working out each songs individual total playtime and adding them together, I found that in total I had listened to these 23 songs for:

- 5369.68 minutes OR

- 89.49 hours OR

- 3.73 days.

Epic. 23 songs. Listened to for nearly 4 days. Not including their live concert I went to, or the amount of times I have examined their live DVD. I'm honsestly not sure whether to be ashamed or proud of myself.

I'm going with proud.


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