Monday, June 6, 2011

Almost Time

E3 kicks off shortly with Microsoft's press conference beginning in a little over an hour... I'll throw things up in a mass post at the end of each press conference, but for up to the second news check out my twitter at or head over to the special E3 section that's been set up at The Gamers Pad

Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Previous Post Stole My Best Joke

E3 approaches... Less than 3 days remain till E3 2011 kicks off with Microsoft's press conference and it's gonna be a big year. Nintendo will reveal their new console, Microsoft may or may not have word on a new console but they always have more Halo news anyway and Sony... Well Sony can say they're back online. I'll likely be staying up late each night to hear the latest news and bring it to you here if you actually have a life and/or job that requires you sleep on occasion. Yes, i am back and i plan on bringing news with me. As to what i've been doing lately... Not much. A heap of gaming, a bit of travelling (i went to a concert in Brisbane, plus a trip to Sydney to catch Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy), some studying and the occasional report for another site. I might see who is staying up for E3's opening night and see if we can organise some sort of live chat/tweet session.

A lot of my time recently has also been spent on Minecraft... I'll throw up a gallery of stuff i've built soon-ish and provide details if anyone wants to check that out.

E = MC 3.

So that was a pretty lame title...But I tried and I think that's what counts...?

So everyone else pumped for E3 in the next few days? I know I am. I think it will be sweet, and I can't wait to see the next console that Nintendo are announcing! Hope it's sexy and as cheap as the Wii which I highly doubt but it's worth a shot.


Really hope we get some juicy information on that front. Would be awesome.

Hmm that's all I've got to say really. So I hope you enjoy that.

My name is Mikey and HOLD THE FORWARD LINE!