Friday, November 12, 2010

Cost To Kinect

So Kinect is slowly making it's way into stores around the world (next week here in Aus) and seems to be selling pretty well. Have you ever wondered how much Microsoft is making off the product though? According to UBM TechInsights it costs Microsoft $56 U.S. to produce a device, while you pay $150 U.S. in stores ($180-$200 in Aus). Before you start thinking Microsoft is over charging though, remember that $56 is only to make the unit... It would have cost them a whole bundle more to develop it, advertise it and even ship it to all the stores across the world. Even then, I'd bet they're already sitting on a tidy little profit. Kinect will hit shelves November 18th, but be sure to keep an eye out here and over at The Gamers Pad for a review of it shortly after.

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